var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var Logger = require("./logger"); var nodemailer = require("nodemailer"); var net = require("net"); var YAML = require("yamljs"); var defaults = { mysql: { server: "localhost", port: 3306, database: "cytube3", user: "cytube3", password: "", }, listen: [ { ip: "", port: 8080, http: true, }, { ip: "", port: 1337, io: true } ], http: { domain: "http://localhost", "default-port": 8080, "root-domain": "localhost", "alt-domains": [""], minify: false, "max-age": "7d", gzip: true, "gzip-threshold": 1024, "cookie-secret": "change-me" }, https: { enabled: false, domain: "https://localhost", "default-port": 8443, keyfile: "localhost.key", passphrase: "", certfile: "localhost.cert", cafile: "", ciphers: "HIGH:!DSS:!aNULL@STRENGTH", redirect: true }, io: { domain: "http://localhost", "default-port": 1337, "ip-connection-limit": 10 }, mail: { enabled: false, /* the key "config" is omitted because the format depends on the service the owner is configuring for nodemailer */ "from-address": "", "from-name": "CyTube Services" }, "youtube-v3-key": "", "channel-save-interval": 5, "max-channels-per-user": 5, "max-accounts-per-ip": 5, "guest-login-delay": 60, stats: { interval: 3600000, "max-age": 86400000 }, aliases: { "purge-interval": 3600000, "max-age": 2592000000 }, "vimeo-workaround": false, "vimeo-oauth": { enabled: false, "consumer-key": "", secret: "" }, "html-template": { title: "CyTube Beta", description: "Free, open source synchtube" }, "reserved-names": { usernames: ["^(.*?[-_])?admin(istrator)?([-_].*)?$", "^(.*?[-_])?owner([-_].*)?$"], channels: ["^(.*?[-_])?admin(istrator)?([-_].*)?$", "^(.*?[-_])?owner([-_].*)?$"], pagetitles: [] }, "contacts": [ { name: "calzoneman", title: "Developer", email: "" } ], "aggressive-gc": false, playlist: { "max-items": 4000, "update-interval": 5 }, "channel-blacklist": [], ffmpeg: { enabled: false }, "link-domain-blacklist": [], setuid: { enabled: false, "group": "users", "user": "nobody", "timeout": 15 }, }; /** * Merges a config object with the defaults, warning about missing keys */ function merge(obj, def, path) { for (var key in def) { if (key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] === "object") { merge(obj[key], def[key], path + "." + key); } } else { Logger.syslog.log("[WARNING] Missing config key " + (path + "." + key) + "; using default: " + JSON.stringify(def[key])); obj[key] = def[key]; } } } var cfg = defaults; /** * Initializes the configuration from the given YAML file */ exports.load = function (file) { try { cfg = YAML.load(path.join(__dirname, "..", file)); } catch (e) { if (e.code === "ENOENT") { Logger.syslog.log(file + " does not exist, assuming default configuration"); cfg = defaults; return; } else { Logger.errlog.log("Error loading config file " + file + ": "); Logger.errlog.log(e); if (e.stack) { Logger.errlog.log(e.stack); } cfg = defaults; return; } } if (cfg == null) { Logger.syslog.log(file + " is an Invalid configuration file, " + "assuming default configuration"); cfg = defaults; return; } var mailconfig = {}; if (cfg.mail && cfg.mail.config) { mailconfig = cfg.mail.config; delete cfg.mail.config; } merge(cfg, defaults, "config"); cfg.mail.config = mailconfig; preprocessConfig(cfg); Logger.syslog.log("Loaded configuration from " + file); }; function preprocessConfig(cfg) { /* Detect 3.0.0-style config and warng the user about it */ if ("host" in cfg.http || "port" in cfg.http || "port" in cfg.https) { Logger.syslog.log("[WARN] The method of specifying which IP/port to bind has "+ "changed. The config loader will try to handle this "+ "automatically, but you should read config.template.yaml "+ "and change your config.yaml to the new format."); cfg.listen = [ { ip: || "", port: cfg.http.port, http: true }, { ip: || "", port:, io: true } ]; if (cfg.https.enabled) { cfg.listen.push( { ip: || "", port: cfg.https.port, https: true, io: true } ); } cfg.http["default-port"] = cfg.http.port; cfg.https["default-port"] = cfg.https.port;["default-port"] =; } // Root domain should start with a . for cookies var root = cfg.http["root-domain"]; root = root.replace(/^\.*/, ""); cfg.http["root-domain"] = root; if (root.indexOf(".") !== -1 && !net.isIP(root)) { root = "." + root; } cfg.http["root-domain-dotted"] = root; // Setup nodemailer cfg.mail.nodemailer = nodemailer.createTransport( cfg.mail.config ); // Debug if (process.env.DEBUG === "1" || process.env.DEBUG === "true") { cfg.debug = true; } else { cfg.debug = false; } // Strip trailing slashes from domains cfg.http.domain = cfg.http.domain.replace(/\/*$/, ""); cfg.https.domain = cfg.https.domain.replace(/\/*$/, ""); // HTTP/HTTPS domains with port numbers if (!cfg.http["full-address"]) { var httpfa = cfg.http.domain; if (cfg.http["default-port"] !== 80) { httpfa += ":" + cfg.http["default-port"]; } cfg.http["full-address"] = httpfa; } if (!cfg.https["full-address"]) { var httpsfa = cfg.https.domain; if (cfg.https["default-port"] !== 443) { httpsfa += ":" + cfg.https["default-port"]; } cfg.https["full-address"] = httpsfa; } // Socket.IO URLs["ipv4-nossl"] = "";["ipv4-ssl"] = "";["ipv6-nossl"] = "";["ipv6-ssl"] = ""; for (var i = 0; i < cfg.listen.length; i++) { var srv = cfg.listen[i]; if (!srv.ip) { srv.ip = ""; } if (! { continue; } if (srv.ip === "") { if (srv.port ===["default-port"]) {["ipv4-nossl"] =["domain"] + ":" +["default-port"]; } else if (srv.port === cfg.https["default-port"]) {["ipv4-ssl"] = cfg.https["domain"] + ":" + cfg.https["default-port"]; } continue; } if (net.isIPv4(srv.ip) || srv.ip === "::") { if (srv.https && !["ipv4-ssl"]) { if (srv.url) {["ipv4-ssl"] = srv.url; } else {["ipv4-ssl"] = cfg.https["domain"] + ":" + srv.port; } } else if (!["ipv4-nossl"]) { if (srv.url) {["ipv4-nossl"] = srv.url; } else {["ipv4-nossl"] =["domain"] + ":" + srv.port; } } } if (net.isIPv6(srv.ip) || srv.ip === "::") { if (srv.https && !["ipv6-ssl"]) { if (!srv.url) { Logger.errlog.log("Config Error: no URL defined for IPv6 " + "Socket.IO listener! Ignoring this listener " + "because the Socket.IO client cannot connect to " + "a raw IPv6 address."); Logger.errlog.log("(Listener was: " + JSON.stringify(srv) + ")"); } else {["ipv6-ssl"] = srv.url; } } else if (!["ipv6-nossl"]) { if (!srv.url) { Logger.errlog.log("Config Error: no URL defined for IPv6 " + "Socket.IO listener! Ignoring this listener " + "because the Socket.IO client cannot connect to " + "a raw IPv6 address."); Logger.errlog.log("(Listener was: " + JSON.stringify(srv) + ")"); } else {["ipv6-nossl"] = srv.url; } } } }["ipv4-default"] =["ipv4-ssl"] ||["ipv4-nossl"];["ipv6-default"] =["ipv6-ssl"] ||["ipv6-nossl"]; // sioconfig var sioconfig = "var IO_URLS={'ipv4-nossl':'" +["ipv4-nossl"] + "'," + "'ipv4-ssl':'" +["ipv4-ssl"] + "'," + "'ipv6-nossl':'" +["ipv6-nossl"] + "'," + "'ipv6-ssl':'" +["ipv6-ssl"] + "'};"; cfg.sioconfig = sioconfig; // Generate RegExps for reserved names var reserved = cfg["reserved-names"]; for (var key in reserved) { if (reserved[key] && reserved[key].length > 0) { reserved[key] = new RegExp(reserved[key].join("|"), "i"); } else { reserved[key] = false; } } /* Convert channel blacklist to a hashtable */ var tbl = {}; cfg["channel-blacklist"].forEach(function (c) { tbl[c.toLowerCase()] = true; }); cfg["channel-blacklist"] = tbl; if (cfg["link-domain-blacklist"].length > 0) { cfg["link-domain-blacklist-regex"] = new RegExp( cfg["link-domain-blacklist"].join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\."), "gi"); } else { // Match nothing cfg["link-domain-blacklist-regex"] = new RegExp("$^", "gi"); } if (cfg["youtube-v3-key"]) { require("cytube-mediaquery/lib/provider/youtube").setApiKey( cfg["youtube-v3-key"]); } else { Logger.errlog.log("Warning: No YouTube v3 API key set. YouTube lookups will " + "fall back to the v2 API, which is scheduled for closure soon after " + "April 20, 2015. See " + " for " + "information on registering an API key."); } return cfg; } /** * Retrieves a configuration value with the given key * * Accepts a dot-separated key for nested values, e.g. "http.port" * Throws an error if a nonexistant key is requested */ exports.get = function (key) { var obj = cfg; var keylist = key.split("."); var current = keylist.shift(); var path = current; while (keylist.length > 0) { if (!(current in obj)) { throw new Error("Nonexistant config key '" + path + "." + current + "'"); } obj = obj[current]; current = keylist.shift(); path += "." + current; } return obj[current]; };