window.DailymotionPlayer = class DailymotionPlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof DailymotionPlayer) return new DailymotionPlayer(data) @setMediaProperties(data) @initialVolumeSet = false waitUntilDefined(window, 'DM', => removeOld() params = autoplay: 1 wmode: if USEROPTS.wmode_transparent then 'transparent' else 'opaque' logo: 0 quality = @mapQuality(USEROPTS.default_quality) if quality != 'auto' params.quality = quality @dm = DM.player('ytapiplayer', video: width: parseInt(VWIDTH, 10) height: parseInt(VHEIGHT, 10) params: params ) @dm.addEventListener('apiready', => @dm.ready = true @dm.apiready = true @dm.addEventListener('ended', -> if CLIENT.leader socket.emit('playNext') ) @dm.addEventListener('pause', => @paused = true if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() ) @dm.addEventListener('playing', => @paused = false if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() if not @initialVolumeSet @setVolume(VOLUME) @initialVolumeSet = true ) # Once the video stops, the internal state of the player # becomes unusable and attempting to load() will corrupt it and # crash the player with an error. As a short–medium term # workaround, mark the player as "not ready" until the next # video loads @dm.addEventListener('video_end', => @dm.ready = false ) @dm.addEventListener('playback_ready', => @dm.ready = true ) ) ) load: (data) -> @setMediaProperties(data) if @dm and @dm.apiready @dm.load( else console.error('WTF? DailymotionPlayer::load() called but dm is not ready') pause: -> if @dm and @dm.ready @paused = true @dm.pause() play: -> if @dm and @dm.ready @paused = false seekTo: (time) -> if @dm and @dm.ready setVolume: (volume) -> if @dm and @dm.ready @dm.setVolume(volume) getTime: (cb) -> if @dm and @dm.ready cb(@dm.currentTime) else cb(0) getVolume: (cb) -> if @dm and @dm.ready if @dm.muted cb(0) else volume = @dm.volume # There was once a bug in Dailymotion where it sometimes gave back # volumes in the wrong range. Not sure if this is still a necessary # check. if volume > 1 volume /= 100 cb(volume) else cb(VOLUME) mapQuality: (quality) -> switch String(quality) when '240', '480', '720', '1080' then String(quality) when '360' then '380' when 'best' then '1080' else 'auto'