const VERSION = require("../package.json").version; var singleton = null; var Config = require("./config"); var Promise = require("bluebird"); import * as ChannelStore from './channel-storage/channelstore'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; const LOGGER = require('@calzoneman/jsli')('server'); module.exports = { init: function () {"Starting CyTube v%s", VERSION); var chanlogpath = path.join(__dirname, "../chanlogs"); fs.exists(chanlogpath, function (exists) { exists || fs.mkdirSync(chanlogpath); }); var chandumppath = path.join(__dirname, "../chandump"); fs.exists(chandumppath, function (exists) { exists || fs.mkdirSync(chandumppath); }); var gdvttpath = path.join(__dirname, "../google-drive-subtitles"); fs.exists(gdvttpath, function (exists) { exists || fs.mkdirSync(gdvttpath); }); singleton = new Server(); return singleton; }, getServer: function () { return singleton; } }; var path = require("path"); var fs = require("fs"); var http = require("http"); var https = require("https"); var express = require("express"); var Channel = require("./channel/channel"); var db = require("./database"); var Flags = require("./flags"); var sio = require(""); import LocalChannelIndex from './web/localchannelindex'; import { PartitionChannelIndex } from './partition/partitionchannelindex'; import IOConfiguration from './configuration/ioconfig'; import WebConfiguration from './configuration/webconfig'; import NullClusterClient from './io/cluster/nullclusterclient'; import session from './session'; import { LegacyModule } from './legacymodule'; import { PartitionModule } from './partition/partitionmodule'; import * as Switches from './switches'; import { Gauge } from 'prom-client'; import { AccountDB } from './db/account'; import { ChannelDB } from './db/channel'; import { AccountController } from './controller/account'; import { EmailController } from './controller/email'; var Server = function () { var self = this; self.channels = [], = null; self.db = null; self.api = null; self.announcement = null; self.infogetter = null; self.servers = {}; self.chanPath = Config.get('channel-path'); var initModule; if (Config.get('enable-partition')) { initModule = this.initModule = new PartitionModule(); self.partitionDecider = initModule.getPartitionDecider(); } else { initModule = this.initModule = new LegacyModule(); } const globalMessageBus = this.initModule.getGlobalMessageBus(); globalMessageBus.on('UserProfileChanged', this.handleUserProfileChange.bind(this)); globalMessageBus.on('ChannelDeleted', this.handleChannelDelete.bind(this)); globalMessageBus.on('ChannelRegistered', this.handleChannelRegister.bind(this)); // database init ------------------------------------------------------ var Database = require("./database"); self.db = Database; self.db.init(); ChannelStore.init(); const accountDB = new AccountDB(db.getDB()); const channelDB = new ChannelDB(db.getDB()); // controllers const accountController = new AccountController(accountDB, globalMessageBus); let emailTransport; if (Config.getEmailConfig().getPasswordReset().isEnabled()) { const smtpConfig = Config.getEmailConfig().getSmtp(); emailTransport = require("nodemailer").createTransport({ host: smtpConfig.getHost(), port: smtpConfig.getPort(), secure: smtpConfig.isSecure(), auth: { user: smtpConfig.getUser(), pass: smtpConfig.getPassword() } }); } else { emailTransport = { sendMail() { throw new Error('Email is not enabled on this server') } }; } const emailController = new EmailController( emailTransport, Config.getEmailConfig() ); // webserver init ----------------------------------------------------- const ioConfig = IOConfiguration.fromOldConfig(Config); const webConfig = WebConfiguration.fromOldConfig(Config); const clusterClient = initModule.getClusterClient(); var channelIndex; if (Config.get("enable-partition")) { channelIndex = new PartitionChannelIndex( initModule.getRedisClientProvider().get() ); } else { channelIndex = new LocalChannelIndex(); } = express(); require("./web/webserver").init(, webConfig, ioConfig, clusterClient, channelIndex, session, globalMessageBus, accountController, channelDB, Config.getEmailConfig(), emailController ); // http/https/sio server init ----------------------------------------- var key = "", cert = "", ca = undefined; if (Config.get("https.enabled")) { const certData = self.loadCertificateData(); key = certData.key; cert = certData.cert; ca =; } var opts = { key: key, cert: cert, passphrase: Config.get("https.passphrase"), ca: ca, ciphers: Config.get("https.ciphers"), honorCipherOrder: true }; Config.get("listen").forEach(function (bind) { var id = bind.ip + ":" + bind.port; if (id in self.servers) { LOGGER.warn("Ignoring duplicate listen address %s", id); return; } if (bind.https && Config.get("https.enabled")) { self.servers[id] = https.createServer(opts, .listen(bind.port, bind.ip); self.servers[id].on("clientError", function (err, socket) { try { socket.destroy(); } catch (e) { } }); } else if (bind.http) { self.servers[id] =, bind.ip); self.servers[id].on("clientError", function (err, socket) { try { socket.destroy(); } catch (e) { } }); } }); require("./io/ioserver").init(self, webConfig); // background tasks init ---------------------------------------------- require("./bgtask")(self); // prometheus server const prometheusConfig = Config.getPrometheusConfig(); if (prometheusConfig.isEnabled()) { require("./prometheus-server").init(prometheusConfig); } // setuid require("./setuid"); initModule.onReady(); }; Server.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype); Server.prototype.loadCertificateData = function loadCertificateData() { const data = { key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", Config.get("https.keyfile"))), cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", Config.get("https.certfile"))) }; if (Config.get("https.cafile")) { = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", Config.get("https.cafile"))); } return data; }; Server.prototype.reloadCertificateData = function reloadCertificateData() { const certData = this.loadCertificateData(); Object.keys(this.servers).forEach(key => { const server = this.servers[key]; // TODO: Replace with actual node API // once is implemented. if (server._sharedCreds) { try { server._sharedCreds.context.setCert(certData.cert); server._sharedCreds.context.setKey(certData.key, Config.get("https.passphrase"));'Reloaded certificate data for %s', key); } catch (error) { LOGGER.error('Failed to reload certificate data for %s: %s', key, error.stack); } } }); }; Server.prototype.isChannelLoaded = function (name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < this.channels.length; i++) { if (this.channels[i].uniqueName == name) return true; } return false; }; const promActiveChannels = new Gauge({ name: 'cytube_channels_num_active', help: 'Number of channels currently active' }); Server.prototype.getChannel = function (name) { var cname = name.toLowerCase(); if (this.partitionDecider && !this.partitionDecider.isChannelOnThisPartition(cname)) { const error = new Error(`Channel '${cname}' is mapped to a different partition`); error.code = 'EWRONGPART'; throw error; } var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.channels.length; i++) { if (self.channels[i].uniqueName === cname) return self.channels[i]; } var c = new Channel(name);; c.on("empty", function () { self.unloadChannel(c); }); c.waitFlag(Flags.C_ERROR, () => { self.unloadChannel(c, { skipSave: true }); }); self.channels.push(c); return c; }; Server.prototype.unloadChannel = function (chan, options) { if (chan.dead) { return; } if (!options) { options = {}; } if (!options.skipSave) { chan.saveState().catch(error => { LOGGER.error(`Failed to save /${this.chanPath}/${} for unload: ${error.stack}`); }); } chan.logger.log("[init] Channel shutting down"); chan.logger.close(); chan.notifyModules("unload", []); Object.keys(chan.modules).forEach(function (k) { chan.modules[k].dead = true; /* * Automatically clean up any timeouts/intervals assigned * to properties of channel modules. Prevents a memory leak * in case of forgetting to clear the timer on the "unload" * module event. */ Object.keys(chan.modules[k]).forEach(function (prop) { if (chan.modules[k][prop] && chan.modules[k][prop]._onTimeout) { LOGGER.warn("Detected non-null timer when unloading " + "module " + k + ": " + prop); try { clearTimeout(chan.modules[k][prop]); clearInterval(chan.modules[k][prop]); } catch (error) { LOGGER.error(error.stack); } } }); }); for (var i = 0; i < this.channels.length; i++) { if (this.channels[i].uniqueName === chan.uniqueName) { this.channels.splice(i, 1); i--; } }"Unloaded channel " +; chan.broadcastUsercount.cancel(); // Empty all outward references from the channel var keys = Object.keys(chan); for (var i in keys) { if (keys[i] !== "refCounter") { delete chan[keys[i]]; } } chan.dead = true; promActiveChannels.dec(); }; Server.prototype.packChannelList = function (publicOnly, isAdmin) { var channels = this.channels.filter(function (c) { if (!publicOnly) { return true; } return c.modules.options && c.modules.options.get("show_public"); }); var self = this; return (c) { return c.packInfo(isAdmin); }); }; Server.prototype.announce = function (data) { this.setAnnouncement(data); if (data == null) { db.clearAnnouncement(); } else { db.setAnnouncement(data); } this.emit("announcement", data); }; Server.prototype.setAnnouncement = function (data) { if (data == null) { this.announcement = null; } else { this.announcement = data; sio.instance.emit("announcement", data); } }; Server.prototype.shutdown = function () {"Unloading channels");, channel => { try { return channel.saveState().tap(() => {`Saved /${this.chanPath}/${}`); }).catch(err => { LOGGER.error(`Failed to save /${this.chanPath}/${}: ${err.stack}`); }); } catch (error) { LOGGER.error(`Failed to save channel: ${error.stack}`); } }, { concurrency: 5 }).then(() => {"Goodbye"); process.exit(0); }).catch(err => { LOGGER.error(`Caught error while saving channels: ${err.stack}`); process.exit(1); }); }; Server.prototype.handlePartitionMapChange = function () { const channels =;, channel => { if (channel.dead) { return; } if (!this.partitionDecider.isChannelOnThisPartition(channel.uniqueName)) {"Partition changed for " + channel.uniqueName); return channel.saveState().then(() => { channel.broadcastAll("partitionChange", this.partitionDecider.getPartitionForChannel(channel.uniqueName)); const users =; users.forEach(u => { try { u.socket.disconnect(); } catch (error) { } }); this.unloadChannel(channel, { skipSave: true }); }).catch(error => { LOGGER.error(`Failed to unload /${this.chanPath}/${} for ` + `partition map flip: ${error.stack}`); }); } }, { concurrency: 5 }).then(() => {"Partition reload complete"); }); }; Server.prototype.reloadPartitionMap = function () { if (!Config.get("enable-partition")) { return; } this.initModule.getPartitionMapReloader().reload(); }; Server.prototype.handleUserProfileChange = function (event) { try { const lname = event.user.toLowerCase(); // Probably not the most efficient thing in the world, but w/e // profile changes are not high volume this.channels.forEach(channel => { if (channel.dead) return; channel.users.forEach(user => { if (user.getLowerName() === lname && user.account.user) { user.account.user.profile = { image: event.profile.image, text: event.profile.text }; user.account.update(); channel.sendUserProfile(channel.users, user); 'Updated profile for user %s in channel %s', lname, ); } }); }); } catch (error) { LOGGER.error('handleUserProfileChange failed: %s', error); } }; Server.prototype.handleChannelDelete = function (event) { try { const lname =; this.channels.forEach(channel => { if (channel.dead) return; if (channel.uniqueName === lname) { channel.clearFlag(Flags.C_REGISTERED); const users =; users.forEach(u => { u.kick('Channel deleted'); }); if (!channel.dead) { channel.emit('empty'); }'Processed deleted channel %s', lname); } }); } catch (error) { LOGGER.error('handleChannelDelete failed: %s', error); } }; Server.prototype.handleChannelRegister = function (event) { try { const lname =; this.channels.forEach(channel => { if (channel.dead) return; if (channel.uniqueName === lname) { channel.clearFlag(Flags.C_REGISTERED); const users =; users.forEach(u => { u.kick('Channel reloading'); }); if (!channel.dead) { channel.emit('empty'); }'Processed registered channel %s', lname); } }); } catch (error) { LOGGER.error('handleChannelRegister failed: %s', error); } };