doctype html html(lang="en") head include head +head() body #wrap nav.navbar.navbar-inverse.navbar-fixed-top(role="navigation") include nav +navheader() #nav-collapsible.collapse.navbar-collapse ul.nav.navbar-nav +navdefaultlinks("/") +navloginlogout("/") section#mainpage .container .col-lg-9.col-md-9 h3 Public Channels table.table.table-bordered.table-striped thead th Channel th # Connected th Now Playing tbody each chan in channels tr td: a(href="/r/" #{chan.pagetitle} (#{}) td= chan.usercount td= chan.mediatitle .col-lg-3.col-md-3 h3 Enter Channel input#channelname.form-control(type="text", placeholder="Channel Name") p.text-muted New channels can be registered from the My Channels page. include footer +footer() script(type="text/javascript"). $("#channelname").keydown(function (ev) { if (ev.keyCode === 13) { location.href = "/r/" + $("#channelname").val(); } });