mixin notfound() h1 Not Found p The page you were looking for doesn't seem to exist. Please check that you typed the URL correctly. if message p Reason: #{message} mixin forbidden() h1 Forbidden p You don't have permission to access #{path} mixin genericerror() h1 Oops p Your request could not be processed. Status code: #{status}, message: #{message} doctype html html(lang="en") head include head mixin head() body #wrap nav.navbar.navbar-inverse.navbar-fixed-top(role="navigation") include nav mixin navheader() #nav-collapsible.collapse.navbar-collapse ul.nav.navbar-nav mixin navdefaultlinks(path) mixin navloginlogout(path) section#mainpage.container .col-md-12 .alert.alert-danger if status == 404 mixin notfound() else if status == 403 mixin forbidden() else mixin genericerror() include footer mixin footer()