window.twitchEventCallback = (events) -> if not (PLAYER instanceof TwitchPlayer) return false events.forEach((event) -> if event.event == 'playerInit' PLAYER.twitch.unmute() PLAYER.twitch.ready = true ) window.TwitchPlayer = class TwitchPlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof TwitchPlayer) return new TwitchPlayer(data) @load(data) load: (data) -> @setMediaProperties(data) object = $('').attr( # NOTE: Must be protocol-relative or else flash throws errors when # you try to call API functions. data: '//' type: 'application/x-shockwave-flash' ) $('').attr( name: 'allowScriptAccess' value: 'always' ).appendTo(object) $('').attr( name: 'allowFullScreen' value: 'true' ).appendTo(object) # NOTE: start_volume can be used to set the initial player volume, # however it is impossible to manipulate or query it from the player # later. $('').attr( name: 'flashvars' value: "embed=1&\ hostname=localhost&\ channel=#{}& eventsCallback=twitchEventCallback&\ auto_play=true&\ start_volume=#{Math.floor(VOLUME * 100)}" ).appendTo(object) removeOld(object) @twitch = object[0]