var ChannelModule = require("./module"); var User = require("../user"); const DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS = { seeplaylist: -1, // See the playlist playlistadd: 1.5, // Add video to the playlist playlistnext: 1.5, // Add a video next on the playlist playlistmove: 1.5, // Move a video on the playlist playlistdelete: 2, // Delete a video from the playlist playlistjump: 1.5, // Start a different video on the playlist playlistaddlist: 1.5, // Add a list of videos to the playlist oplaylistadd: -1, // Same as above, but for open (unlocked) playlist oplaylistnext: 1.5, oplaylistmove: 1.5, oplaylistdelete: 2, oplaylistjump: 1.5, oplaylistaddlist: 1.5, playlistaddcustom: 3, // Add custom embed to the playlist playlistaddrawfile: 2, // Add raw file to the playlist playlistaddlive: 1.5, // Add a livestream to the playlist exceedmaxlength: 2, // Add a video longer than the maximum length set addnontemp: 2, // Add a permanent video to the playlist settemp: 2, // Toggle temporary status of a playlist item playlistshuffle: 2, // Shuffle the playlist playlistclear: 2, // Clear the playlist pollctl: 1.5, // Open/close polls pollvote: -1, // Vote in polls viewhiddenpoll: 1.5, // View results of hidden polls voteskip: -1, // Vote to skip the current video viewvoteskip: 1.5, // View voteskip results mute: 1.5, // Mute other users kick: 1.5, // Kick other users ban: 2, // Ban other users motdedit: 3, // Edit the MOTD filteredit: 3, // Control chat filters filterimport: 3, // Import chat filter list emoteedit: 3, // Control emotes emoteimport: 3, // Import emote list playlistlock: 2, // Lock/unlock the playlist leaderctl: 2, // Give/take leader drink: 1.5, // Use the /d command chat: 0, // Send chat messages chatclear: 2, // Use the /clear command exceedmaxitems: 2 // Exceed maximum items per user limit }; function PermissionsModule(channel) { ChannelModule.apply(this, arguments); this.permissions = {}; this.openPlaylist = false; } PermissionsModule.prototype = Object.create(ChannelModule.prototype); PermissionsModule.prototype.load = function (data) { this.permissions = {}; var preset = "permissions" in data ? data.permissions : {}; for (var key in DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS) { if (key in preset) { this.permissions[key] = preset[key]; } else { this.permissions[key] = DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS[key]; } } if ("openPlaylist" in data) { this.openPlaylist = data.openPlaylist; } else if ("playlistLock" in data) { this.openPlaylist = !data.playlistLock; } }; = function (data) { data.permissions = this.permissions; data.openPlaylist = this.openPlaylist; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.hasPermission = function (account, node) { if (account instanceof User) { account = account.account; } if (node.indexOf("playlist") === 0 && this.openPlaylist && account.effectiveRank >= this.permissions["o"+node]) { return true; } return account.effectiveRank >= this.permissions[node]; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.sendPermissions = function (users) { var perms = this.permissions; if (users === {"setPermissions", perms); } else { users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("setPermissions", perms); }); } }; PermissionsModule.prototype.sendPlaylistLock = function (users) { if (users === {"setPlaylistLocked", !this.openPlaylist); } else { var locked = !this.openPlaylist; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("setPlaylistLocked", locked); }); } }; PermissionsModule.prototype.onUserPostJoin = function (user) { user.socket.on("setPermissions", this.handleSetPermissions.bind(this, user)); user.socket.on("togglePlaylistLock", this.handleTogglePlaylistLock.bind(this, user)); this.sendPermissions([user]); this.sendPlaylistLock([user]); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.handleTogglePlaylistLock = function (user) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistlock")) { return; } this.openPlaylist = !this.openPlaylist; if (this.openPlaylist) {"[playlist] " + user.getName() + " unlocked the playlist"); } else {"[playlist] " + user.getName() + " locked the playlist"); } this.sendPlaylistLock(; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.handleSetPermissions = function (user, perms) { if (typeof perms !== "object") { return; } if (!this.canSetPermissions(user)) { user.kick("Attempted setPermissions as a non-admin"); return; } for (var key in perms) { if (typeof perms[key] !== "number") { perms[key] = parseFloat(perms[key]); if (isNaN(perms[key])) { delete perms[key]; } } } for (var key in perms) { if (key in this.permissions) { this.permissions[key] = perms[key]; } } if ("seeplaylist" in perms) { if ( {; } }"[mod] " + user.getName() + " updated permissions"); this.sendPermissions(; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAddVideo = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistadd"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSetTemp = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "settemp"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSeePlaylist = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "seeplaylist"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAddList = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistaddlist"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAddNonTemp = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "addnontemp"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAddNext = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistnext"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAddLive = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistaddlive"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAddCustom = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistaddcustom"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAddRawFile = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistaddrawfile"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canMoveVideo = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistmove"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canDeleteVideo = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistdelete") }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSkipVideo = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistjump"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canToggleTemporary = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "settemp"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canExceedMaxLength = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "exceedmaxlength"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canShufflePlaylist = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistshuffle"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canClearPlaylist = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistclear"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canLockPlaylist = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "playlistlock"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canAssignLeader = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "leaderctl"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canControlPoll = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "pollctl"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canVote = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "pollvote"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canViewHiddenPoll = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "viewhiddenpoll"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canVoteskip = function (account) { return this.hasPermission(account, "voteskip"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSeeVoteskipResults = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "viewvoteskip"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canMute = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "mute"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canKick = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "kick"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canBan = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "ban"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canEditMotd = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "motdedit"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canEditFilters = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "filteredit"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canImportFilters = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "filterimport"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canEditEmotes = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "emoteedit"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canImportEmotes = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "emoteimport"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canCallDrink = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "drink"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canChat = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "chat"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canClearChat = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "chatclear"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSetOptions = function (actor) { if (actor instanceof User) { actor = actor.account; } return actor.effectiveRank >= 2; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSetCSS = function (actor) { if (actor instanceof User) { actor = actor.account; } return actor.effectiveRank >= 3; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSetJS = function (actor) { if (actor instanceof User) { actor = actor.account; } return actor.effectiveRank >= 3; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canSetPermissions = function (actor) { if (actor instanceof User) { actor = actor.account; } return actor.effectiveRank >= 3; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canUncache = function (actor) { if (actor instanceof User) { actor = actor.account; } return actor.effectiveRank >= 2; }; PermissionsModule.prototype.canExceedMaxItemsPerUser = function (actor) { return this.hasPermission(actor, "exceedmaxitems"); }; PermissionsModule.prototype.loadUnregistered = function () { var perms = { seeplaylist: -1, playlistadd: -1, // Add video to the playlist playlistnext: 0, playlistmove: 0, // Move a video on the playlist playlistdelete: 0, // Delete a video from the playlist playlistjump: 0, // Start a different video on the playlist playlistaddlist: 0, // Add a list of videos to the playlist oplaylistadd: -1, // Same as above, but for open (unlocked) playlist oplaylistnext: 0, oplaylistmove: 0, oplaylistdelete: 0, oplaylistjump: 0, oplaylistaddlist: 0, playlistaddcustom: 0, // Add custom embed to the playlist playlistaddlive: 0, // Add a livestream to the playlist exceedmaxlength: 0, // Add a video longer than the maximum length set addnontemp: 0, // Add a permanent video to the playlist settemp: 0, // Toggle temporary status of a playlist item playlistshuffle: 0, // Shuffle the playlist playlistclear: 0, // Clear the playlist pollctl: 0, // Open/close polls pollvote: -1, // Vote in polls viewhiddenpoll: 1.5, // View results of hidden polls voteskip: -1, // Vote to skip the current video viewvoteskip: 1.5, // View voteskip results playlistlock: 2, // Lock/unlock the playlist leaderctl: 0, // Give/take leader drink: 0, // Use the /d command chat: 0, // Send chat messages chatclear: 2, // Use the /clear command exceedmaxitems: 2 // Exceed max items per user }; for (var key in perms) { this.permissions[key] = perms[key]; } this.openPlaylist = true; }; module.exports = PermissionsModule;