/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Calvin Montgomery Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var fs = require("fs"); var Database = require("./database.js"); var Poll = require("./poll.js").Poll; var Media = require("./media.js").Media; var formatTime = require("./media.js").formatTime; var Logger = require("./logger.js"); var InfoGetter = require("./get-info.js"); var Server = require("./server.js"); var io = Server.io; var Rank = require("./rank.js"); var Auth = require("./auth.js"); var ChatCommand = require("./chatcommand.js"); var Filter = require("./filter.js").Filter; var Channel = function(name) { Logger.syslog.log("Opening channel " + name); this.name = name; // Initialize defaults this.registered = false; this.users = []; this.queue = []; this.library = {}; this.position = -1; this.media = null; this.drinks = 0; this.leader = null; this.chatbuffer = []; this.openqueue = false; this.poll = false; this.voteskip = false; this.permissions = { oplaylistadd: -1, oplaylistnext: 1.5, oplaylistmove: 1.5, oplaylistdelete: 2, oplaylistjump: 1.5, oplaylistaddlist: 1.5, playlistadd: 1.5, playlistnext: 1.5, playlistmove: 1.5, playlistdelete: 2, playlistjump: 1.5, playlistaddlist: 1.5, playlistadd: 1.5, addnontemp: 2, settemp: 2, playlistgeturl: 1.5, playlistshuffle: 2, playlistclear: 2, pollctl: 1.5, pollvote: -1, kick: 1.5, ban: 2, motdedit: 3, filteredit: 3, drink: 1.5 }; this.opts = { allow_voteskip: true, voteskip_ratio: 0.5, pagetitle: this.name, customcss: "", customjs: "", chat_antiflood: false, show_public: false }; this.filters = [ new Filter("monospace", "`([^`]+)`", "g", "$1"), new Filter("bold", "(.)\\*([^\\*]+)\\*", "g", "$1$2"), new Filter("italic", "(^| )_([^_]+)_", "g", "$1$2"), new Filter("strikethrough", "~~([^~]+)~~", "g", "$1"), new Filter("inline spoiler", "\\[spoiler\\](.*)\\[\\/spoiler\\]", "ig", "$1"), ]; this.motd = { motd: "", html: "" }; this.ipbans = {}; this.namebans = {}; this.logins = {}; this.logger = new Logger.Logger("chanlogs/" + this.name + ".log"); this.i = 0; this.time = new Date().getTime(); this.plmeta = { count: 0, time: "00:00" }; this.css = ""; this.js = ""; this.ipkey = ""; for(var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { this.ipkey += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"[parseInt(Math.random() * 65)] } Database.loadChannel(this); if(this.registered) { this.loadDump(); } } /* REGION Permissions */ Channel.prototype.hasPermission = function(user, key) { if(key.indexOf("playlist") == 0 && this.openqueue) { var key2 = "o" + key; var v = this.permissions[key2]; if(typeof v == "number" && user.rank >= v) { return true; } } var v = this.permissions[key]; if(typeof v != "number") { return false; } return user.rank >= v; } /* REGION Channel data */ Channel.prototype.loadDump = function() { fs.readFile("chandump/" + this.name, function(err, data) { if(err) { return; } try { this.logger.log("*** Loading channel dump from disk"); data = JSON.parse(data); for(var i = 0; i < data.queue.length; i++) { var e = data.queue[i]; var m = new Media(e.id, e.title, e.seconds, e.type); m.queueby = data.queue[i].queueby ? data.queue[i].queueby : ""; if(e.temp !== undefined) { m.temp = e.temp; } this.queue.push(m); } this.sendAll("playlist", { pl: this.queue }); this.broadcastPlaylistMeta(); // Backwards compatibility if(data.currentPosition != undefined) { this.position = data.currentPosition - 1; } else { this.position = data.position - 1; } if(this.position < -1) this.position = -1; if(this.queue.length > 0) this.playNext(); if(this.media && data.currentTime) { this.media.currentTime = data.currentTime; } for(var key in data.opts) { this.opts[key] = data.opts[key]; } for(var key in data.permissions) { this.permissions[key] = data.permissions[key]; } this.sendAll("setPermissions", this.permissions); this.broadcastOpts(); if(data.filters) { for(var i = 0; i < data.filters.length; i++) { var f = data.filters[i]; // Backwards compatibility if(f[0] != undefined) { var filt = new Filter("", f[0], "g", f[1]); filt.active = f[2]; this.updateFilter(filt); } else { var filt = new Filter(f.name, f.source, f.flags, f.replace); filt.active = f.active; this.updateFilter(filt); } } this.broadcastChatFilters(); } if(data.motd) { this.motd = data.motd; this.broadcastMotd(); } data.logins = data.logins || {}; for(var ip in data.logins) { this.logins[ip] = data.logins[ip]; } this.setLock(!(data.openqueue || false)); this.chatbuffer = data.chatbuffer || []; for(var i = 0; i < this.chatbuffer.length; i++) { this.sendAll("chatMsg", this.chatbuffer[i]); } this.css = data.css || ""; this.js = data.js || ""; this.sendAll("channelCSSJS", {css: this.css, js: this.js}); setTimeout(function() { incrementalDump(this); }.bind(this), 300000); } catch(e) { Logger.errlog.log("Channel dump load failed: "); Logger.errlog.log(e); } }.bind(this)); } Channel.prototype.saveDump = function() { var filts = new Array(this.filters.length); for(var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { filts[i] = this.filters[i].pack(); } var dump = { position: this.position, currentTime: this.media ? this.media.currentTime : 0, queue: this.queue, opts: this.opts, permissions: this.permissions, filters: filts, motd: this.motd, logins: this.logins, openqueue: this.openqueue, chatbuffer: this.chatbuffer, css: this.css, js: this.js }; var text = JSON.stringify(dump); fs.writeFileSync("chandump/" + this.name, text); this.logger.flush(); } // Save channel dumps every 5 minutes, in case of crash function incrementalDump(chan) { if(chan && chan.users && chan.users.length > 0) { chan.saveDump(); setTimeout(function() { incrementalDump(chan); }, 300000); } } Channel.prototype.tryRegister = function(user) { if(this.registered) { user.socket.emit("registerChannel", { success: false, error: "This channel is already registered" }); } else if(!user.loggedIn) { user.socket.emit("registerChannel", { success: false, error: "You must log in to register a channel" }); } else if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "registerChannel")) { user.socket.emit("registerChannel", { success: false, error: "You don't have permission to register this channel" }); } else { if(Database.registerChannel(this.name)) { this.registered = true; this.saveRank(user); user.socket.emit("registerChannel", { success: true, }); this.logger.log("*** " + user.name + " registered the channel"); Logger.syslog.log("Channel " + this.name + " was registered by " + user.name); } else { user.socket.emit("registerChannel", { success: false, error: "Unable to register channel, see an admin" }); } } } Channel.prototype.unregister = function() { if(Database.deleteChannel(this.name)) { this.registered = false; return true; } return false; } Channel.prototype.getRank = function(name) { var global = Auth.getGlobalRank(name); if(!this.registered) { return global; } var local = Database.getChannelRank(this.name, name); return local > global ? local : global; } Channel.prototype.saveRank = function(user) { return Database.setChannelRank(this.name, user.name, user.rank); } Channel.prototype.getIPRank = function(ip) { var names = this.logins[ip] || []; if(names.length == 0) { return 0; } var ranks = Database.getChannelRank(this.name, names); var rank = 0; for(var i = 0; i < ranks.length; i++) { rank = (ranks[i] > rank) ? ranks[i] : rank; } return rank; } Channel.prototype.seen = function(ip, name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); for(var i = 0; i < this.logins[ip].length; i++) { if(this.logins[ip][i].toLowerCase() == name) { return true; } } return false; } Channel.prototype.cacheMedia = function(media) { if(media.temp) { return; } this.library[media.id] = media; if(this.registered) { return Database.addToLibrary(this.name, media); } return false; } Channel.prototype.banName = function(actor, name) { if(!this.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) { return false; } name = name.toLowerCase(); var rank = this.getRank(name); if(rank < 1) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", {msg: "You can't ban guest names. Use a kick or IP ban."}); return false; } if(rank >= actor.rank) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", {msg: "You don't have permission to ban this person."}); return false; } this.namebans[name] = actor.name; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name.toLowerCase() == name) { this.kick(this.users[i], "You're banned!"); break; } } this.broadcastBanlist(); this.logger.log(name + " was banned by " + actor.name); if(!this.registered) { return false; } return Database.channelBan(this.name, "*", name, actor.name); } Channel.prototype.unbanName = function(actor, name) { if(!this.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) { return false; } this.namebans[name] = null; delete this.namebans[name]; this.broadcastBanlist(); this.logger.log(name + " was unbanned by " + actor.name); return Database.channelUnbanName(this.name, name); } Channel.prototype.tryIPBan = function(actor, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) { return false; } if(typeof data.id != "string" || data.id.length != 15) { return false; } if(typeof data.name != "string") { return false; } var ip = this.hideIP(data.id); if(this.getIPRank(ip) >= actor.rank) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", {msg: "You don't have permission to ban this IP"}); return false; } if(data.range) { ip = ip.replace(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/, "$1.$2.$3"); for(var ip2 in this.logins) { if(ip2.indexOf(ip) == 0 && this.getIPRank(ip2) >= actor.rank) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", {msg: "You don't have permission to ban this IP"}); return false; } } } this.ipbans[ip] = [data.name, actor.name]; this.broadcastBanlist(); this.logger.log(ip + " (" + data.name + ") was banned by " + actor.name); for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].ip.indexOf(ip) == 0) { this.kick(this.users[i], "Your IP is banned!"); i--; } } if(!this.registered) return false; // Update database ban table return Database.channelBan(this.name, ip, data.name, actor.name); } Channel.prototype.banIP = function(actor, receiver) { if(!this.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) return false; this.ipbans[receiver.ip] = [receiver.name, actor.name]; try { receiver.socket.disconnect(true); } catch(e) { // Socket already disconnected } this.broadcastBanlist(); this.logger.log(receiver.ip + " (" + receiver.name + ") was banned by " + actor.name); if(!this.registered) return false; // Update database ban table return Database.channelBanIP(this.name, receiver.ip, receiver.name, actor.name); } Channel.prototype.unbanIP = function(actor, ip) { if(!this.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) return false; this.ipbans[ip] = null; if(!this.registered) return false; this.broadcastBanlist(); // Update database ban table return Database.channelUnbanIP(this.name, ip); } Channel.prototype.tryUnban = function(actor, data) { if(data.id) { var ip = this.hideIP(data.id); this.unbanIP(actor, ip); } else if(data.name) { this.unbanName(actor, data.name); } } Channel.prototype.search = function(query, callback) { // Search youtube if(callback) { if(query.trim() == "") { return; } InfoGetter.getYTSearchResults(query, function(err, vids) { if(!err) { callback(vids); } }); return; } query = query.toLowerCase(); var results = []; for(var id in this.library) { if(this.library[id].title.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) != -1) { results.push(this.library[id]); } } results.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.title.toLowerCase(); var y = b.title.toLowerCase(); return (x == y) ? 0 : (x < y ? -1 : 1); }); return results; } /* REGION User interaction */ Channel.prototype.userJoin = function(user) { if(!(user.ip in this.logins)) { this.logins[user.ip] = []; } var parts = user.ip.split("."); var slash24 = parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + "." + parts[2]; // GTFO if((user.ip in this.ipbans && this.ipbans[user.ip] != null) || (slash24 in this.ipbans && this.ipbans[slash24] != null)) { this.logger.log("--- Kicking " + user.ip + " - banned"); this.kick(user, "You're banned!"); return; } if(user.name && user.name.toLowerCase() in this.namebans && this.namebans[user.name.toLowerCase()] != null) { this.kick(user, "You're banned!"); return; } // Join the socket pool for this channel user.socket.join(this.name); // Prevent duplicate login if(user.name != "") { for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name.toLowerCase() == user.name.toLowerCase()) { user.name = ""; user.loggedIn = false; user.socket.emit("login", { success: false, error: "The username " + user.name + " is already in use on this channel" }); } } } // If the channel is empty and isn't registered, the first person // gets ownership of the channel (temporarily) if(this.users.length == 0 && !this.registered) { user.rank = (user.rank < Rank.Owner) ? 10 : user.rank; user.socket.emit("channelNotRegistered"); } this.users.push(user); this.broadcastVoteskipUpdate(); if(user.name != "") { this.broadcastNewUser(user); } this.broadcastUsercount(); // Set the new guy up this.sendPlaylist(user); this.sendMediaUpdate(user); user.socket.emit("queueLock", {locked: !this.openqueue}); this.sendUserlist(user); this.sendRecentChat(user); user.socket.emit("channelCSSJS", {css: this.css, js: this.js}); if(this.poll) { user.socket.emit("newPoll", this.poll.packUpdate()); } user.socket.emit("channelOpts", this.opts); user.socket.emit("setPermissions", this.permissions); user.socket.emit("updateMotd", this.motd); user.socket.emit("drinkCount", {count: this.drinks}); // Send things that require special permission this.sendRankStuff(user); this.logger.log("+++ /" + user.ip + " joined"); Logger.syslog.log("/" + user.ip + " joined channel " + this.name); } Channel.prototype.userLeave = function(user) { // Their socket might already be dead, so wrap in a try-catch try { user.socket.leave(this.name); } catch(e) {} // Undo vote for people who leave if(this.poll) { this.poll.unvote(user.ip); this.broadcastPollUpdate(); } if(this.voteskip) { this.voteskip.unvote(user.ip); } // If they were leading, return control to the server if(this.leader == user) { this.changeLeader(""); } // Remove the user from the client list for this channel var idx = this.users.indexOf(user); if(idx >= 0 && idx < this.users.length) this.users.splice(idx, 1); this.broadcastVoteskipUpdate(); this.broadcastUsercount(); if(user.name != "") { this.sendAll("userLeave", { name: user.name }); } this.logger.log("--- /" + user.ip + " (" + user.name + ") left"); if(this.users.length == 0) { this.logger.log("*** Channel empty, unloading"); Server.unload(this); } } Channel.prototype.kick = function(user, reason) { user.socket.emit("kick", { reason: reason }); if(user.socket.disconnected) { this.userLeave(user); } user.socket.disconnect(true); } Channel.prototype.hideIP = function(ip) { while(ip.length < 15) { ip += "X"; } var chars = new Array(15); for(var i = 0; i < ip.length; i++) { chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(ip.charCodeAt(i) ^ this.ipkey.charCodeAt(i)); if(chars[i] == "X") { chars[i] = ""; break; } } return chars.join(""); } Channel.prototype.sendRankStuff = function(user) { if(this.hasPermission(user, "ban")) { var ents = []; for(var ip in this.ipbans) { if(this.ipbans[ip] != null) { var name; if(ip in this.logins) { name = this.logins[ip].join(", "); } else { name = this.ipbans[ip][0]; } var id = this.hideIP(ip); var disp = ip; if(user.rank < Rank.Siteadmin) { disp = "(Hidden)"; } ents.push({ ip: disp, id: id, name: name, banner: this.ipbans[ip][1] }); } } for(var name in this.namebans) { if(this.namebans[name] != null) { ents.push({ ip: "*", name: name, banner: this.namebans[name] }); } } user.socket.emit("banlist", {entries: ents}); } if(Rank.hasPermission(user, "seenlogins")) { var ents = []; for(var ip in this.logins) { var disp = ip; if(user.rank < Rank.Siteadmin) { disp = "(Hidden)"; } var banned = (ip in this.ipbans && this.ipbans[ip] != null); var range = ip.replace(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/, "$1.$2.$3"); banned = banned || (range in this.ipbans && this.ipbans[range] != null); ents.push({ ip: disp, id: this.hideIP(ip), names: this.logins[ip], banned: banned }); } user.socket.emit("seenlogins", {entries: ents}); } if(this.hasPermission(user, "filteredit")) { var filts = new Array(this.filters.length); for(var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { filts[i] = this.filters[i].pack(); } user.socket.emit("chatFilters", {filters: filts}); } this.sendACL(user); } Channel.prototype.sendACL = function(user) { if(Rank.hasPermission(user, "acl")) { user.socket.emit("acl", Database.listChannelRanks(this.name)); } } Channel.prototype.sendPlaylist = function(user) { user.socket.emit("playlist", { pl: this.queue }); user.socket.emit("updatePlaylistIdx", { idx: this.position }); user.socket.emit("updatePlaylistMeta", this.plmeta); } Channel.prototype.sendMediaUpdate = function(user) { if(this.media != null) { user.socket.emit("changeMedia", this.media.fullupdate()); } } Channel.prototype.sendUserlist = function(user) { var users = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { // Skip people who haven't logged in if(this.users[i].name != "") { users.push({ name: this.users[i].name, rank: this.users[i].rank, leader: this.users[i] == this.leader, meta: this.users[i].meta, profile: this.users[i].profile }); } } user.socket.emit("userlist", users); } // Send the last 15 messages for context Channel.prototype.sendRecentChat = function(user) { for(var i = 0; i < this.chatbuffer.length; i++) { user.socket.emit("chatMsg", this.chatbuffer[i]); } } /* REGION Broadcasts to all clients */ Channel.prototype.sendAll = function(message, data) { io.sockets.in(this.name).emit(message, data); } Channel.prototype.broadcastPlaylistMeta = function() { var total = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.queue.length; i++) { total += this.queue[i].seconds; } var timestr = formatTime(total); var packet = { count: this.queue.length, time: timestr }; this.plmeta = packet; this.sendAll("updatePlaylistMeta", packet); } Channel.prototype.broadcastUsercount = function() { this.sendAll("usercount", { count: this.users.length }); } Channel.prototype.broadcastNewUser = function(user) { if(!this.seen(user.ip, user.name)) { this.logins[user.ip].push(user.name); } if(user.name.toLowerCase() in this.namebans && this.namebans[user.name.toLowerCase()] != null) { this.kick(user, "You're banned!"); return; } this.sendAll("addUser", { name: user.name, rank: user.rank, leader: this.leader == user, meta: user.meta, profile: user.profile }); this.sendRankStuff(user); if(user.rank > Rank.Guest) { this.saveRank(user); } } Channel.prototype.broadcastUserUpdate = function(user) { this.sendAll("updateUser", { name: user.name, rank: user.rank, leader: this.leader == user, meta: user.meta, profile: user.profile }); this.sendRankStuff(user); } Channel.prototype.broadcastPoll = function() { this.sendAll("newPoll", this.poll.packUpdate()); } Channel.prototype.broadcastPollUpdate = function() { this.sendAll("updatePoll", this.poll.packUpdate()); } Channel.prototype.broadcastPollClose = function() { this.sendAll("closePoll"); } Channel.prototype.broadcastOpts = function() { this.sendAll("channelOpts", this.opts); } Channel.prototype.broadcastBanlist = function() { var ents = []; var adminents = []; for(var ip in this.ipbans) { if(this.ipbans[ip] != null) { var name; if(ip in this.logins) { name = this.logins[ip].join(", "); } else { name = this.ipbans[ip][0]; } var id = this.hideIP(ip); ents.push({ ip: "(Hidden)", id: id, name: name, banner: this.ipbans[ip][1] }); adminents.push({ ip: ip, id: id, name: name, banner: this.ipbans[ip][1] }); } } for(var name in this.namebans) { if(this.namebans[name] != null) { ents.push({ ip: "*", name: name, banner: this.namebans[name] }); adminents.push({ ip: "*", name: name, banner: this.namebans[name] }); } } for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.hasPermission(this.users[i], "ban")) { if(this.users[i].rank >= Rank.Siteadmin) { this.users[i].socket.emit("banlist", {entries: adminents}); } else { this.users[i].socket.emit("banlist", {entries: ents}); } } } } Channel.prototype.broadcastRankTable = function() { var ranks = Database.listChannelRanks(this.name); for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { this.sendACL(this.users[i]); } } Channel.prototype.broadcastChatFilters = function() { var filts = new Array(this.filters.length); for(var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { filts[i] = this.filters[i].pack(); } for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.hasPermission(this.users[i], "filteredit")) { this.users[i].socket.emit("chatFilters", {filters: filts}); } } } Channel.prototype.broadcastVoteskipUpdate = function() { var amt = this.voteskip ? this.voteskip.counts[0] : 0; var need = this.voteskip ? parseInt(this.users.length * this.opts.voteskip_ratio) : 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(Rank.hasPermission(this.users[i], "seeVoteskip") || this.leader == this.users[i]) { this.users[i].socket.emit("voteskip", { count: amt, need: need }); } } } Channel.prototype.broadcastMotd = function() { this.sendAll("updateMotd", this.motd); } Channel.prototype.broadcastDrinks = function() { this.sendAll("drinkCount", {count: this.drinks}); } /* REGION Playlist Stuff */ // The server autolead function function mediaUpdate(chan, id) { // Bail cases - video changed, someone's leader, no video playing if(chan.media == null || id != chan.media.id || chan.leader != null || chan.users.length == 0) { return; } chan.media.currentTime += (new Date().getTime() - chan.time) / 1000.0; chan.time = new Date().getTime(); // Show's over, move on to the next thing if(chan.media.currentTime > chan.media.seconds + 1) { chan.playNext(); } // Send updates about every 5 seconds else if(chan.i % 5 == 0) { chan.sendAll("mediaUpdate", chan.media.timeupdate()); } chan.i++; setTimeout(function() { mediaUpdate(chan, id); }, 1000); } function isLive(type) { return type == "li" || type == "tw" || type == "jt" || type == "rt" || type == "jw" || type == "us"; } Channel.prototype.queueAdd = function(media, idx) { this.queue.splice(idx, 0, media); this.sendAll("queue", { media: media.pack(), pos: idx }); this.broadcastPlaylistMeta(); if(this.queue.length == 1) { this.playNext(); } } Channel.prototype.autoTemp = function(media, user) { if(isLive(media.type)) { media.temp = true; } if(!this.hasPermission(user, "addnontemp")) { media.temp = true; } } Channel.prototype.enqueue = function(data, user) { var idx = data.pos == "next" ? this.position + 1 : this.queue.length; // Prefer cache over looking up new data if(data.id in this.library) { var media = this.library[data.id].dup(); media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); this.logger.log("*** Queued from cache: id=" + data.id); } else { switch(data.type) { case "yt": case "yp": case "vi": case "dm": case "sc": InfoGetter.getMedia(data.id, data.type, function(err, media) { if(err) { user.socket.emit("queueFail"); return; } media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); this.cacheMedia(media); if(data.type == "yp") idx++; }.bind(this)); break; case "li": var media = new Media(data.id, "Livestream - " + data.id, "--:--", "li"); media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); break; case "tw": var media = new Media(data.id, "Twitch - " + data.id, "--:--", "tw"); media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); break; case "jt": var media = new Media(data.id, "JustinTV - " + data.id, "--:--", "jt"); media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); break; case "us": InfoGetter.getUstream(data.id, function(id) { var media = new Media(id, "Ustream - " + data.id, "--:--", "us"); media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); }.bind(this)); break; case "rt": var media = new Media(data.id, "Livestream", "--:--", "rt"); media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); break; case "jw": var media = new Media(data.id, "JWPlayer Stream - " + data.id, "--:--", "jw"); media.queueby = user ? user.name : ""; this.autoTemp(media, user); this.queueAdd(media, idx); break; default: break; } } } Channel.prototype.tryQueue = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistadd")) { return; } if(data.pos == undefined || data.id == undefined) { return; } if(data.type == undefined && !(data.id in this.library)) { return; } if(data.pos == "next" && !this.hasPermission(user, "playlistnext")) { return; } if(user.rank < Rank.Moderator && this.leader != user && user.noflood("queue", 1.5)) { return; } this.enqueue(data, user); } Channel.prototype.tryQueuePlaylist = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistaddlist")) { return; } if(typeof data.name != "string" || typeof data.pos != "string") { return; } if(data.pos == "next" && !this.hasPermission(user, "playlistnext")) { return; } var pl = Database.loadUserPlaylist(user.name, data.name); // Queue in reverse order for qnext if(data.pos == "next") { for(var i = pl.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pl[i].pos = "next"; this.enqueue(pl[i], user); } } else { for(var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) { pl[i].pos = "end"; this.enqueue(pl[i], user); } } } Channel.prototype.setTemp = function(idx, temp) { var med = this.queue[idx]; med.temp = temp; this.sendAll("setTemp", { idx: idx, temp: temp }); if(!temp) { this.cacheMedia(med); } } Channel.prototype.trySetTemp = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "settemp")) { return; } if(typeof data.idx != "number" || typeof data.temp != "boolean") { return; } if(data.idx < 0 || data.idx >= this.queue.length) { return; } this.setTemp(data.idx, data.temp); } Channel.prototype.dequeue = function(data) { if(data.pos < 0 || data.pos >= this.queue.length) { return; } this.queue.splice(data.pos, 1); this.sendAll("unqueue", { pos: data.pos }); this.broadcastPlaylistMeta(); // If you remove the currently playing video, play the next one if(data.pos == this.position && !data.removeonly) { this.position--; this.playNext(); return; } // If you remove a video whose position is before the one currently // playing, you have to reduce the position of the one playing if(data.pos < this.position) { this.position--; } } Channel.prototype.tryDequeue = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistdelete")) { return; } if(data.pos === undefined) { return; } this.dequeue(data); } Channel.prototype.tryUncache = function(user, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "uncache")) { return; } if(typeof data.id != "string") { return; } if(Database.removeFromLibrary(this.name, data.id)) { delete this.library[data.id]; } } Channel.prototype.playNext = function() { var pos = this.position + 1 >= this.queue.length ? 0 : this.position + 1; this.jumpTo(pos); } Channel.prototype.tryPlayNext = function(user) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistjump")) { return; } this.playNext(); } Channel.prototype.jumpTo = function(pos) { if(pos >= this.queue.length || pos < 0) { return; } // Reset voteskip this.voteskip = false; this.broadcastVoteskipUpdate(); this.drinks = 0; this.broadcastDrinks(); var old = this.position; if(this.media && this.media.temp && old != pos) { this.dequeue({pos: old, removeonly: true}); if(pos > old && pos > 0) { pos--; } } if(pos >= this.queue.length || pos < 0) { return; } if(this.media) { delete this.media["currentTime"]; delete this.media["paused"]; } this.position = pos; var oid = this.media ? this.media.id : ""; this.media = this.queue[this.position]; this.media.currentTime = -1; this.media.paused = false; this.sendAll("changeMedia", this.media.fullupdate()); this.sendAll("updatePlaylistIdx", { old: old, idx: this.position }); // If it's not a livestream, enable autolead if(this.leader == null && !isLive(this.media.type)) { this.time = new Date().getTime(); if(this.media.id != oid) { mediaUpdate(this, this.media.id); } } } Channel.prototype.tryJumpTo = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistjump")) { return; } if(data.pos === undefined) { return; } this.jumpTo(data.pos); } Channel.prototype.clearqueue = function() { this.queue = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { this.sendPlaylist(this.users[i]); } this.broadcastPlaylistMeta(); } Channel.prototype.tryClearqueue = function(user) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistclear")) { return; } this.clearqueue(); } Channel.prototype.shufflequeue = function() { var n = []; var current = false; while(this.queue.length > 0) { var i = parseInt(Math.random() * this.queue.length); n.push(this.queue[i]); if(!current && i == this.position) { this.position = n.length - 1; current = true; } this.queue.splice(i, 1); } this.queue = n; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { this.sendPlaylist(this.users[i]); } } Channel.prototype.tryShufflequeue = function(user) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistshuffle")) { return; } this.shufflequeue(); } Channel.prototype.tryUpdate = function(user, data) { if(this.leader != user) { return; } if(data == null || data.id == undefined || data.currentTime == undefined) { return; } if(this.media == null) { return; } if(isLive(this.media.type)) { return; } if(this.media.id != data.id) { return; } this.media.currentTime = data.currentTime; this.media.paused = data.paused; this.sendAll("mediaUpdate", this.media.timeupdate()); } Channel.prototype.move = function(data) { if(data.src < 0 || data.src >= this.queue.length) { return; } if(data.dest < 0 || data.dest > this.queue.length) { return; } var media = this.queue[data.src]; var dest = data.dest > data.src ? data.dest + 1 : data.dest; var src = data.dest > data.src ? data.src : data.src + 1; this.queue.splice(dest, 0, media); this.queue.splice(src, 1); this.sendAll("moveVideo", { src: data.src, dest: data.dest }); // Account for moving things around the active video if(data.src < this.position && data.dest >= this.position) { this.position--; } else if(data.src > this.position && data.dest < this.position) { this.position++ } else if(data.src == this.position) { this.position = data.dest; } } Channel.prototype.tryMove = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistmove")) { return; } if(data.src == undefined || data.dest == undefined) { return; } this.move(data); } /* REGION Polls */ Channel.prototype.tryOpenPoll = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "pollctl") && this.leader != user) { return; } if(!data.title || !data.opts) { return; } var poll = new Poll(user.name, data.title, data.opts); this.poll = poll; this.broadcastPoll(); this.logger.log("*** " + user.name + " Opened Poll: '" + poll.title + "'"); } Channel.prototype.tryClosePoll = function(user) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "pollctl")) { return; } if(this.poll) { this.poll = false; this.broadcastPollClose(); } } Channel.prototype.tryVote = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "pollvote")) { return; } if(data.option == undefined) { return; } if(this.poll) { this.poll.vote(user.ip, data.option); this.broadcastPollUpdate(); } } Channel.prototype.tryVoteskip = function(user) { if(!this.opts.allow_voteskip) { return; } if(!this.voteskip) { this.voteskip = new Poll("voteskip", "voteskip", ["yes"]); } this.voteskip.vote(user.ip, 0); this.broadcastVoteskipUpdate(); if(this.voteskip.counts[0] >= parseInt(this.users.length * this.opts.voteskip_ratio)) { this.playNext(); } } /* REGION Channel Option stuff */ Channel.prototype.setLock = function(locked) { this.openqueue = !locked; this.sendAll("queueLock", {locked: locked}); } Channel.prototype.trySetLock = function(user, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "qlock")) { return; } if(data.locked == undefined) { return; } this.setLock(data.locked); } Channel.prototype.updateFilter = function(filter) { var found = false; for(var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if(this.filters[i].name == filter.name && this.filters[i].source == filter.source) { found = true; this.filters[i] = filter; } } if(!found) { this.filters.push(filter); } this.broadcastChatFilters(); } Channel.prototype.removeFilter = function(name, source) { for(var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if(this.filters[i].name == name && this.filters[i].source == source) { this.filters.splice(i, 1); break; } } this.broadcastChatFilters(); } Channel.prototype.tryChangeFilter = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "filteredit")) { return; } if(data.cmd == undefined || data.filter == undefined) { return; } if(data.cmd == "update") { var re = data.filter.source; var flags = data.filter.flags; try { new RegExp(re, flags); } catch(e) { return; } var f = new Filter(data.filter.name, data.filter.source, data.filter.flags, data.filter.replace); f.active = data.filter.active; this.updateFilter(f); } else if(data.cmd == "remove") { this.removeFilter(data.filter.name, data.filter.source); } } Channel.prototype.tryUpdatePermissions = function(user, perms) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "channelperms")) { return; } for(var key in perms) { this.permissions[key] = perms[key]; } this.sendAll("setPermissions", this.permissions); } Channel.prototype.tryUpdateOptions = function(user, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "channelOpts")) { return; } const adminonly = { pagetitle: true, customcss: true, customjs: true, show_public: true }; for(var key in this.opts) { if(key in data) { if(key in adminonly && user.rank < Rank.Owner) { continue; } this.opts[key] = data[key]; } } this.broadcastOpts(); } Channel.prototype.trySetCSS = function(user, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "setcss")) { return; } var css = data.css || ""; if(css.length > 20000) { css = css.substring(0, 20000); } this.css = css; this.sendAll("channelCSSJS", { css: this.css, js: this.js }); } Channel.prototype.trySetJS = function(user, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "setjs")) { return; } var js = data.js || ""; if(js.length > 20000) { js = js.substring(0, 20000); } this.js = js; this.sendAll("channelCSSJS", { css: this.css, js: this.js }); } Channel.prototype.updateMotd = function(motd) { var html = motd.replace(/\n/g, "
"); //html = this.filterMessage(html); this.motd = { motd: motd, html: html }; this.broadcastMotd(); } Channel.prototype.tryUpdateMotd = function(user, data) { if(!this.hasPermission(user, "motdedit")) { return; } data.motd = data.motd || ""; this.updateMotd(data.motd); } /* REGION Chat */ Channel.prototype.tryChat = function(user, data) { if(user.name == "") { return; } if(data.msg == undefined) { return; } var msg = data.msg; if(msg.length > 240) { msg = msg.substring(0, 240); } if(this.opts.chat_antiflood && user.noflood("chat", 2.0)) { return; } this.chainMessage(user, msg); } Channel.prototype.chainMessage = function(user, msg, data) { if(msg.indexOf("/") == 0) ChatCommand.handle(this, user, msg, data); else if(msg.indexOf(">") == 0) this.sendMessage(user.name, msg, "greentext", data); else this.sendMessage(user.name, msg, "", data); } Channel.prototype.filterMessage = function(msg) { const link = /((?:(?:https?)|(?:ftp))(?::\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z\.]+(?::[0-9]+)?[^\s'"$]+))/g; var subs = msg.split(link); // Apply other filters for(var j = 0; j < subs.length; j++) { if(subs[j].match(link)) { subs[j] = subs[j].replace(link, "$1"); continue; } for(var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if(!this.filters[i].active) continue; subs[j] = this.filters[i].filter(subs[j]); } } return subs.join(""); } Channel.prototype.sendMessage = function(username, msg, msgclass, data) { // I don't want HTML from strangers msg = msg.replace(//g, ">"); msg = this.filterMessage(msg); var msgobj = { username: username, msg: msg, msgclass: msgclass, time: Date.now() }; if(data) { for(var key in data) { msgobj[key] = data[key]; } } this.sendAll("chatMsg", msgobj); this.chatbuffer.push(msgobj); if(this.chatbuffer.length > 15) this.chatbuffer.shift(); this.logger.log("<" + username + "." + msgclass + "> " + msg); }; /* REGION Rank stuff */ Channel.prototype.tryPromoteUser = function(actor, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(actor, "promote")) { return; } if(data.name == undefined) { return; } var name = data.name; var receiver; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name == name) { receiver = this.users[i]; break; } } var rank = receiver ? receiver.rank : this.getRank(data.name); if(actor.rank > rank + 1) { rank++; if(receiver) { receiver.rank++; if(receiver.loggedIn) { this.saveRank(receiver); } this.broadcastUserUpdate(receiver); } else { Database.setChannelRank(this.name, data.name, rank); } this.logger.log("*** " + actor.name + " promoted " + data.name + " from " + (rank - 1) + " to " + rank); this.broadcastRankTable(); } } Channel.prototype.tryDemoteUser = function(actor, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(actor, "promote")) { return; } if(data.name == undefined) { return; } var name = data.name; var receiver; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name == name) { receiver = this.users[i]; break; } } var rank = receiver ? receiver.rank : this.getRank(data.name); if(actor.rank > rank) { rank--; if(receiver) { receiver.rank--; if(receiver.loggedIn) { this.saveRank(receiver); } this.broadcastUserUpdate(receiver); } else { Database.setChannelRank(this.name, data.name, rank); } this.logger.log("*** " + actor.name + " demoted " + data.name + " from " + (rank + 1) + " to " + rank); this.broadcastRankTable(); } } Channel.prototype.changeLeader = function(name) { if(this.leader != null) { var old = this.leader; this.leader = null; if(old.rank == 1.5) { old.rank = old.oldrank; } this.broadcastUserUpdate(old); } if(name == "") { this.logger.log("*** Resuming autolead"); if(this.media != null && !isLive(this.media.type)) { this.media.paused = false; this.time = new Date().getTime(); this.i = 0; mediaUpdate(this, this.media.id); } return; } for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name == name) { this.logger.log("*** Assigned leader: " + name); this.leader = this.users[i]; if(this.users[i].rank < 1.5) { this.users[i].oldrank = this.users[i].rank; this.users[i].rank = 1.5; } this.broadcastUserUpdate(this.leader); } } } Channel.prototype.tryChangeLeader = function(user, data) { if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "assignLeader")) { return; } if(data.name == undefined) { return; } this.changeLeader(data.name); } exports.Channel = Channel;