window.SoundCloudPlayer = class SoundCloudPlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof SoundCloudPlayer) return new SoundCloudPlayer(data) @setMediaProperties(data) waitUntilDefined(window, 'SC', => removeOld() # For tracks that are private, but embeddable, the API returns a # special URL to load into the player. # TODO: rename scuri? if data.meta.scuri soundUrl = data.meta.scuri else soundUrl = widget = $('').appendTo($('#ytapiplayer')) widget.attr( id: 'scplayer' src: "{soundUrl}" ) # Soundcloud embed widget doesn't have a volume control. sliderHolder = $('
').attr('id', 'soundcloud-volume-holder') .insertAfter(widget) $('').attr('id', 'soundcloud-volume-label') .addClass('label label-default') .text('Volume') .appendTo(sliderHolder) volumeSlider = $('').attr('id', 'soundcloud-volume') .appendTo(sliderHolder) .slider( range: 'min' value: VOLUME * 100 stop: (event, ui) => @setVolume(ui.value / 100) ) @soundcloud = SC.Widget(widget[0]) @soundcloud.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, => @soundcloud.ready = true @setVolume(VOLUME) @play() @soundcloud.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PAUSE, => @paused = true if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() ) @soundcloud.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY, => @paused = false if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() ) @soundcloud.bind(SC.Widget.Events.FINISH, => if CLIENT.leader socket.emit('playNext') ) ) ) load: (data) -> @setMediaProperties(data) if @soundcloud and @soundcloud.ready if data.meta.scuri soundUrl = data.meta.scuri else soundUrl = @soundcloud.load(soundUrl, auto_play: true) @soundcloud.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, => @setVolume(VOLUME) ) else console.error('SoundCloudPlayer::load() called but soundcloud is not ready') play: -> @paused = false if @soundcloud and @soundcloud.ready pause: -> @paused = true if @soundcloud and @soundcloud.ready @soundcloud.pause() seekTo: (time) -> if @soundcloud and @soundcloud.ready # SoundCloud measures time in milliseconds while CyTube uses seconds. @soundcloud.seekTo(time * 1000) setVolume: (volume) -> if @soundcloud and @soundcloud.ready @soundcloud.setVolume(volume * 100) getTime: (cb) -> if @soundcloud and @soundcloud.ready # Returned time is in milliseconds; CyTube expects seconds @soundcloud.getPosition((time) -> cb(time / 1000)) else cb(0) getVolume: (cb) -> if @soundcloud and @soundcloud.ready @soundcloud.getVolume(cb) else cb(VOLUME)