const PollModule = require('../../lib/channel/poll'); const assert = require('assert'); const Config = require('../../lib/config'); describe('PollModule', () => { describe('#validatePollInput', () => { let pollModule = new PollModule({ uniqueName: 'testChannel', modules: {} }); it('accepts valid input', () => { let title = ''; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { title += 'x'; } pollModule.validatePollInput(title, ['ab', 'cd']); }); it('rejects non-string titles', () => { assert.throws(() => { pollModule.validatePollInput(null, []); }, /title/); }); it('rejects invalidly long titles', () => { let title = ''; for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { title += 'x'; } assert.throws(() => { pollModule.validatePollInput(title, []); }, /title/); }); it('rejects non-array option parameter', () => { assert.throws(() => { pollModule.validatePollInput('poll', 1234); }, /options/); }); it('rejects too many options', () => { const limit = Config.get('poll.max-options'); Config.set('poll.max-options', 2); try { assert.throws(() => { pollModule.validatePollInput('poll', ['1', '2', '3', '4']); }, /maximum of 2 options/); } finally { Config.set('poll.max-options', limit); } }); it('rejects non-string options', () => { assert.throws(() => { pollModule.validatePollInput('poll', [null]); }, /options must be strings/); }); it('rejects invalidly long options', () => { let option = ''; for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { option += 'x'; } assert.throws(() => { pollModule.validatePollInput('poll', [option]); }, /options must be 1-255 characters/); }); }); describe('#handleNewPoll', () => { let fakeChannel = { uniqueName: 'testChannel', logger: { log() { } }, broadcastToRoom() { }, broadcastAll() { }, modules: { permissions: { canControlPoll() { return true; } } } }; let fakeUser = { getName() { return 'testUser'; }, socket: { emit() { } } }; let pollModule; beforeEach(() => { pollModule = new PollModule(fakeChannel); }); it('creates a valid poll', () => { let sentNewPoll = false; let sentClosePoll = false; fakeChannel.broadcastToRoom = (event, data, room) => { if (room === 'testChannel:viewHidden' && event === 'newPoll') { sentNewPoll = true; } }; fakeChannel.broadcastAll = (event) => { if (event === 'closePoll') { sentClosePoll = true; } }; pollModule.handleNewPoll(fakeUser, { title: 'test poll', opts: [ 'option 1', 'option 2' ], obscured: false }, (ackResult) => { assert(!ackResult.error, `Unexpected error: ${ackResult.error}`); }); assert(!sentClosePoll, 'Unexpected broadcast of closePoll event'); assert(sentNewPoll, 'Expected broadcast of newPoll event'); }); it('closes an existing poll when a new one is created', () => { let sentNewPoll = 0; let sentClosePoll = 0; let sentUpdatePoll = 0; fakeChannel.broadcastToRoom = (event, data, room) => { if (room === 'testChannel:viewHidden' && event === 'newPoll') { sentNewPoll++; } }; fakeChannel.broadcastAll = (event, data) => { if (event === 'closePoll') { sentClosePoll++; } else if (event === 'updatePoll') { sentUpdatePoll++; assert.deepStrictEqual(data.counts, [0, 0]); } }; pollModule.handleNewPoll(fakeUser, { title: 'test poll', opts: [ 'option 1', 'option 2' ], obscured: true }, (ackResult) => { assert(!ackResult.error, `Unexpected error: ${ackResult.error}`); }); pollModule.handleNewPoll(fakeUser, { title: 'poll 2', opts: [ 'option 3', 'option 4' ], obscured: false }, (ackResult) => { assert(!ackResult.error, `Unexpected error: ${ackResult.error}`); }); assert.strictEqual(sentClosePoll, 1, 'Expected 1 broadcast of closePoll event'); assert.strictEqual(sentUpdatePoll, 1, 'Expected 1 broadcast of updatePoll event'); assert.strictEqual(sentNewPoll, 2, 'Expected 2 broadcasts of newPoll event'); }); it('rejects an invalid poll', () => { fakeChannel.broadcastToRoom = (event, data, room) => { assert(false, 'Expected no events to be sent'); }; fakeChannel.broadcastAll = (event) => { assert(false, 'Expected no events to be sent'); }; const options = []; for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { options.push('option ' + i); } pollModule.handleNewPoll(fakeUser, { title: 'test poll', opts: options, obscured: false }, (ackResult) => { assert.equal(ackResult.error.message, 'Polls are limited to a maximum of 50 options.'); }); }); it('handles a rejection with no ack provided by', () => { fakeChannel.broadcastToRoom = (event, data, room) => { assert(false, 'Expected no events to be sent'); }; fakeChannel.broadcastAll = (event) => { assert(false, 'Expected no events to be sent'); }; let sentErrorMsg = false; fakeUser.socket.emit = (event, data) => { if (event === 'errorMsg') { sentErrorMsg = true; } }; const options = []; for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { options.push('option ' + i); } pollModule.handleNewPoll(fakeUser, { title: 'test poll', opts: options, obscured: false }); assert(sentErrorMsg, 'Expected to send errorMsg since ack was missing'); }); }) });