Socket.IO Client Configuration ============================== As of 2015-10-25, the legacy `/sioconfig` JavaScript for retrieving connection information is being deprecated in favor of a new API. The purpose of this change is to allow partitioning channels across multiple servers in order to better handle increasing traffic. To get the configuration for the server hosting a particular channel, make a `GET` request to `/socketconfig/.json`. The response will be a JSON object containing a list of acceptable servers to connect to, or an error message. Examples: ``` GET /socketconfig/test.json 200 OK { "servers": [ { "url": "https://localhost:8443", "secure": true }, { "url": "http://localhost:1337", "secure": false }, { "url": "https://local6:8443", "secure": true, "ipv6": true }, { "url": "http://local6:1337", "secure": false, "ipv6": true } ] } GET /socketconfig/$invalid$.json 404 Not Found { "error": "Channel \"$invalid$\" does not exist." } ``` Each entry in the `servers` array has `"secure":true` if the connection is secured with TLS, otherwise it it is false. An entry with `"ipv6":true` indicates that the server is listening on the IPv6 protocol. You can pick any URL to connect to in order to join the specified channel. I recommend picking one with `"secure":true`, only choosing an insecure connection if implementing a TLS connection is infeasible.