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synced 2024-09-13 04:32:09 +00:00

* Rename lib/ -> src/ * Add `postinstall` npm target for compiling src files to lib * Add `build-watch` npm target for development with babel --watch * Add `lib/` to .gitignore * Add `source-map-support` module for babel-generated sourcemaps
184 lines
3.8 KiB
184 lines
3.8 KiB
Description: Defines ULList, which represents a doubly linked list
in which each item has a unique identifier stored in the `uid` field.
function ULList() {
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
this.length = 0;
/* Add an item to the beginning of the list */
ULList.prototype.prepend = function(item) {
if(this.first !== null) {
item.next = this.first;
this.first.prev = item;
else {
this.last = item;
this.first = item;
this.first.prev = null;
return true;
/* Add an item to the end of the list */
ULList.prototype.append = function(item) {
if(this.last !== null) {
item.prev = this.last;
this.last.next = item;
else {
this.first = item;
this.last = item;
this.last.next = null;
return true;
/* Insert an item after one which has a specified UID */
ULList.prototype.insertAfter = function(item, uid) {
var after = this.find(uid);
return false;
// Update links
item.next = after.next;
item.next.prev = item;
item.prev = after;
after.next = item;
// New end of list
if(after == this.last)
this.last = item;
return true;
/* Insert an item before one that has a specified UID */
ULList.prototype.insertBefore = function(item, uid) {
var before = this.find(uid);
return false;
// Update links
item.next = before;
item.prev = before.prev;
item.prev.next = item;
before.prev = item;
// New beginning of list
if(before == this.first)
this.first = item;
return true;
/* Remove an item from the list */
ULList.prototype.remove = function(uid) {
var item = this.find(uid);
return false;
// Boundary conditions
if(item == this.first)
this.first = item.next;
if(item == this.last)
this.last = item.prev;
// General case
item.prev.next = item.next;
item.next.prev = item.prev;
return true;
/* Find an element in the list, return false if specified UID not found */
ULList.prototype.find = function(uid) {
// Can't possibly find it in an empty list
if(this.first === null)
return false;
var item = this.first;
var iter = this.first;
while(iter !== null && item.uid != uid) {
item = iter;
iter = iter.next;
if(item && item.uid == uid)
return item;
return false;
/* Clear all elements from the list */
ULList.prototype.clear = function() {
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
this.length = 0;
/* Dump the contents of the list into an array */
ULList.prototype.toArray = function(pack) {
var arr = new Array(this.length);
var item = this.first;
var i = 0;
while(item !== null) {
if(pack !== false && typeof item.pack == "function")
arr[i++] = item.pack();
arr[i++] = item;
item = item.next;
return arr;
/* iterate across the playlist */
ULList.prototype.forEach = function (fn) {
var item = this.first;
while(item !== null) {
item = item.next;
/* find a media with the given video id */
ULList.prototype.findVideoId = function (id) {
var item = this.first;
while(item !== null) {
if(item.media && item.media.id === id)
return item;
item = item.next;
return false;
ULList.prototype.findAll = function(fn) {
var result = [];
this.forEach(function(item) {
if( fn(item) ) {
return result;
module.exports = ULList;