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synced 2024-09-13 04:32:09 +00:00
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101 lines
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mixin lcheckbox(id, label)
label.control-label.col-sm-4(for=id)= label
input(type="checkbox", id=id)
mixin rcheckbox(id, label)
label.control-label(for=id)= label
input(type="checkbox", id=id)
mixin textbox(id, label, placeholder)
label.control-label.col-sm-4(for=id)= label
if placeholder
input.form-control(id=id, type="text", placeholder=placeholder)
input.form-control(id=id, type="text")
mixin us-general
h4 General Preferences
label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-theme") Theme
option(value="/css/themes/light.css") Light
option(value="/css/themes/bootstrap-theme.min.css") Bootstrap
option(value="/css/themes/slate.css") Slate
option(value="/css/themes/cyborg.css") Cyborg
label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-layout") Layout
option(value="default") Compact
option(value="synchtube") Synchtube (flipped)
option(value="fluid") Fluid
option(value="synchtube-fluid") Synchtube + Fluid
option(value="hd") HD
p.text-danger Changing layouts may require refreshing to take effect.
mixin rcheckbox("us-no-channelcss", "Ignore Channel CSS")
mixin rcheckbox("us-no-channeljs", "Ignore Channel Javascript")
mixin rcheckbox("us-ssl", "Encrypt connection with SSL")
mixin us-playback
h4 Playback Preferences
mixin rcheckbox("us-synch", "Synchronize video playback")
mixin textbox("us-synch-accuracy", "Synch threshold (seconds)", "2")
mixin rcheckbox("us-wmode-transparent", "Set wmode=transparent")
p.text-info Setting <code>wmode=transparent</code> allows objects to be displayed above the video player, but may cause performance issues on some systems.
mixin rcheckbox("us-no-h264", "Use flash for h.264 playback")
p.text-info CyTube will attempt to autodetect browsers that do not natively support h.264 playback and fall back on a flash player. This overrides that automatic detection and forces use of the flash player.
mixin rcheckbox("us-hidevideo", "Remove the video player")
mixin rcheckbox("us-playlistbuttons", "Hide playlist buttons by default")
mixin rcheckbox("us-oldbtns", "Old style playlist buttons")
label.control-label.col-sm-4(for="#us-default-quality") Default YouTube quality
option(value="auto") Auto
option(value="small") 240p
option(value="medium") 360p
option(value="large") 480p
option(value="hd720") 720p
option(value="hd1080") 1080p
option(value="highres") Highest Available
mixin us-chat
h4 Chat Preferences
mixin rcheckbox("us-chat-timestamp", "Show timestamps in chat")
mixin rcheckbox("us-sort-rank", "Sort userlist by rank")
mixin rcheckbox("us-sort-afk", "Sort AFKers to bottom")
mixin rcheckbox("us-chat-notice", "Ping on all new messages")
p.text-info When unchecked, you will only be pinged if your name is mentioned
mixin rcheckbox("us-boop", "Play a sound when pinged")
mixin rcheckbox("us-sendbtn", "Add a send button to chat")
mixin us-mod
h4 Moderator Preferences
mixin rcheckbox("us-modflair", "Show name color")
mixin rcheckbox("us-joinmessage", "Show join messages")