mirror of https://github.com/calzoneman/sync.git
1933 lines
56 KiB
1933 lines
56 KiB
* MediaElement.js
* HTML5 <video> and <audio> shim and player
* http://mediaelementjs.com/
* Creates a JavaScript object that mimics HTML5 MediaElement API
* for browsers that don't understand HTML5 or can't play the provided codec
* Can play MP4 (H.264), Ogg, WebM, FLV, WMV, WMA, ACC, and MP3
* Copyright 2010-2013, John Dyer (http://j.hn)
* License: MIT
// Namespace
var mejs = mejs || {};
// version number
mejs.version = '2.13.1';
// player number (for missing, same id attr)
mejs.meIndex = 0;
// media types accepted by plugins
mejs.plugins = {
silverlight: [
{version: [3,0], types: ['video/mp4','video/m4v','video/mov','video/wmv','audio/wma','audio/m4a','audio/mp3','audio/wav','audio/mpeg']}
flash: [
{version: [9,0,124], types: ['video/mp4','video/m4v','video/mov','video/flv','video/rtmp','video/x-flv','audio/flv','audio/x-flv','audio/mp3','audio/m4a','audio/mpeg', 'video/youtube', 'video/x-youtube']}
//,{version: [12,0], types: ['video/webm']} // for future reference (hopefully!)
youtube: [
{version: null, types: ['video/youtube', 'video/x-youtube', 'audio/youtube', 'audio/x-youtube']}
vimeo: [
{version: null, types: ['video/vimeo', 'video/x-vimeo']}
Utility methods
mejs.Utility = {
encodeUrl: function(url) {
return encodeURIComponent(url); //.replace(/\?/gi,'%3F').replace(/=/gi,'%3D').replace(/&/gi,'%26');
escapeHTML: function(s) {
return s.toString().split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('"').join('"');
absolutizeUrl: function(url) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = '<a href="' + this.escapeHTML(url) + '">x</a>';
return el.firstChild.href;
getScriptPath: function(scriptNames) {
i = 0,
codePath = '',
testname = '',
scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
il = scripts.length,
jl = scriptNames.length;
// go through all <script> tags
for (; i < il; i++) {
scriptUrl = scripts[i].src;
slashPos = scriptUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
if (slashPos > -1) {
scriptFilename = scriptUrl.substring(slashPos + 1);
scriptPath = scriptUrl.substring(0, slashPos + 1);
} else {
scriptFilename = scriptUrl;
scriptPath = '';
// see if any <script> tags have a file name that matches the
for (j = 0; j < jl; j++) {
testname = scriptNames[j];
filenamePos = scriptFilename.indexOf(testname);
if (filenamePos > -1) {
codePath = scriptPath;
// if we found a path, then break and return it
if (codePath !== '') {
// send the best path back
return codePath;
secondsToTimeCode: function(time, forceHours, showFrameCount, fps) {
//add framecount
if (typeof showFrameCount == 'undefined') {
} else if(typeof fps == 'undefined') {
fps = 25;
var hours = Math.floor(time / 3600) % 24,
minutes = Math.floor(time / 60) % 60,
seconds = Math.floor(time % 60),
frames = Math.floor(((time % 1)*fps).toFixed(3)),
result =
( (forceHours || hours > 0) ? (hours < 10 ? '0' + hours : hours) + ':' : '')
+ (minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes) + ':'
+ (seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds)
+ ((showFrameCount) ? ':' + (frames < 10 ? '0' + frames : frames) : '');
return result;
timeCodeToSeconds: function(hh_mm_ss_ff, forceHours, showFrameCount, fps){
if (typeof showFrameCount == 'undefined') {
} else if(typeof fps == 'undefined') {
fps = 25;
var tc_array = hh_mm_ss_ff.split(":"),
tc_hh = parseInt(tc_array[0], 10),
tc_mm = parseInt(tc_array[1], 10),
tc_ss = parseInt(tc_array[2], 10),
tc_ff = 0,
tc_in_seconds = 0;
if (showFrameCount) {
tc_ff = parseInt(tc_array[3])/fps;
tc_in_seconds = ( tc_hh * 3600 ) + ( tc_mm * 60 ) + tc_ss + tc_ff;
return tc_in_seconds;
convertSMPTEtoSeconds: function (SMPTE) {
if (typeof SMPTE != 'string')
return false;
SMPTE = SMPTE.replace(',', '.');
var secs = 0,
decimalLen = (SMPTE.indexOf('.') != -1) ? SMPTE.split('.')[1].length : 0,
multiplier = 1;
SMPTE = SMPTE.split(':').reverse();
for (var i = 0; i < SMPTE.length; i++) {
multiplier = 1;
if (i > 0) {
multiplier = Math.pow(60, i);
secs += Number(SMPTE[i]) * multiplier;
return Number(secs.toFixed(decimalLen));
/* borrowed from SWFObject: http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/source/browse/trunk/swfobject/src/swfobject.js#474 */
removeSwf: function(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj && /object|embed/i.test(obj.nodeName)) {
if (mejs.MediaFeatures.isIE) {
obj.style.display = "none";
if (obj.readyState == 4) {
} else {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10);
} else {
removeObjectInIE: function(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj) {
for (var i in obj) {
if (typeof obj[i] == "function") {
obj[i] = null;
// Core detector, plugins are added below
mejs.PluginDetector = {
// main public function to test a plug version number PluginDetector.hasPluginVersion('flash',[9,0,125]);
hasPluginVersion: function(plugin, v) {
var pv = this.plugins[plugin];
v[1] = v[1] || 0;
v[2] = v[2] || 0;
return (pv[0] > v[0] || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] > v[1]) || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] == v[1] && pv[2] >= v[2])) ? true : false;
// cached values
nav: window.navigator,
ua: window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
// stored version numbers
plugins: [],
// runs detectPlugin() and stores the version number
addPlugin: function(p, pluginName, mimeType, activeX, axDetect) {
this.plugins[p] = this.detectPlugin(pluginName, mimeType, activeX, axDetect);
// get the version number from the mimetype (all but IE) or ActiveX (IE)
detectPlugin: function(pluginName, mimeType, activeX, axDetect) {
var version = [0,0,0],
// Firefox, Webkit, Opera
if (typeof(this.nav.plugins) != 'undefined' && typeof this.nav.plugins[pluginName] == 'object') {
description = this.nav.plugins[pluginName].description;
if (description && !(typeof this.nav.mimeTypes != 'undefined' && this.nav.mimeTypes[mimeType] && !this.nav.mimeTypes[mimeType].enabledPlugin)) {
version = description.replace(pluginName, '').replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\sr/gi,'.').split('.');
for (i=0; i<version.length; i++) {
version[i] = parseInt(version[i].match(/\d+/), 10);
// Internet Explorer / ActiveX
} else if (typeof(window.ActiveXObject) != 'undefined') {
try {
ax = new ActiveXObject(activeX);
if (ax) {
version = axDetect(ax);
catch (e) { }
return version;
// Add Flash detection
mejs.PluginDetector.addPlugin('flash','Shockwave Flash','application/x-shockwave-flash','ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash', function(ax) {
// adapted from SWFObject
var version = [],
d = ax.GetVariable("$version");
if (d) {
d = d.split(" ")[1].split(",");
version = [parseInt(d[0], 10), parseInt(d[1], 10), parseInt(d[2], 10)];
return version;
// Add Silverlight detection
mejs.PluginDetector.addPlugin('silverlight','Silverlight Plug-In','application/x-silverlight-2','AgControl.AgControl', function (ax) {
// Silverlight cannot report its version number to IE
// but it does have a isVersionSupported function, so we have to loop through it to get a version number.
// adapted from http://www.silverlightversion.com/
var v = [0,0,0,0],
loopMatch = function(ax, v, i, n) {
while(ax.isVersionSupported(v[0]+ "."+ v[1] + "." + v[2] + "." + v[3])){
v[i] -= n;
loopMatch(ax, v, 0, 1);
loopMatch(ax, v, 1, 1);
loopMatch(ax, v, 2, 10000); // the third place in the version number is usually 5 digits (4.0.xxxxx)
loopMatch(ax, v, 2, 1000);
loopMatch(ax, v, 2, 100);
loopMatch(ax, v, 2, 10);
loopMatch(ax, v, 2, 1);
loopMatch(ax, v, 3, 1);
return v;
// add adobe acrobat
PluginDetector.addPlugin('acrobat','Adobe Acrobat','application/pdf','AcroPDF.PDF', function (ax) {
var version = [],
d = ax.GetVersions().split(',')[0].split('=')[1].split('.');
if (d) {
version = [parseInt(d[0], 10), parseInt(d[1], 10), parseInt(d[2], 10)];
return version;
// necessary detection (fixes for <IE9)
mejs.MediaFeatures = {
init: function() {
t = this,
d = document,
nav = mejs.PluginDetector.nav,
ua = mejs.PluginDetector.ua.toLowerCase(),
html5Elements = ['source','track','audio','video'];
// detect browsers (only the ones that have some kind of quirk we need to work around)
t.isiPad = (ua.match(/ipad/i) !== null);
t.isiPhone = (ua.match(/iphone/i) !== null);
t.isiOS = t.isiPhone || t.isiPad;
t.isAndroid = (ua.match(/android/i) !== null);
t.isBustedAndroid = (ua.match(/android 2\.[12]/) !== null);
t.isBustedNativeHTTPS = (location.protocol === 'https:' && (ua.match(/android [12]\./) !== null || ua.match(/macintosh.* version.* safari/) !== null));
t.isIE = (nav.appName.toLowerCase().match(/trident/gi) !== null);
t.isChrome = (ua.match(/chrome/gi) !== null);
t.isFirefox = (ua.match(/firefox/gi) !== null);
t.isWebkit = (ua.match(/webkit/gi) !== null);
t.isGecko = (ua.match(/gecko/gi) !== null) && !t.isWebkit && !t.isIE;
t.isOpera = (ua.match(/opera/gi) !== null);
t.hasTouch = ('ontouchstart' in window && window.ontouchstart != null);
// borrowed from Modernizr
t.svg = !! document.createElementNS &&
!! document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','svg').createSVGRect;
// create HTML5 media elements for IE before 9, get a <video> element for fullscreen detection
for (i=0; i<html5Elements.length; i++) {
v = document.createElement(html5Elements[i]);
t.supportsMediaTag = (typeof v.canPlayType !== 'undefined' || t.isBustedAndroid);
// Fix for IE9 on Windows 7N / Windows 7KN (Media Player not installer)
t.supportsMediaTag = false;
// detect native JavaScript fullscreen (Safari/Firefox only, Chrome still fails)
// iOS
t.hasSemiNativeFullScreen = (typeof v.webkitEnterFullscreen !== 'undefined');
// W3C
t.hasNativeFullscreen = (typeof v.requestFullscreen !== 'undefined');
// webkit/firefox/IE11+
t.hasWebkitNativeFullScreen = (typeof v.webkitRequestFullScreen !== 'undefined');
t.hasMozNativeFullScreen = (typeof v.mozRequestFullScreen !== 'undefined');
t.hasMsNativeFullScreen = (typeof v.msRequestFullscreen !== 'undefined');
t.hasTrueNativeFullScreen = (t.hasWebkitNativeFullScreen || t.hasMozNativeFullScreen || t.hasMsNativeFullScreen);
t.nativeFullScreenEnabled = t.hasTrueNativeFullScreen;
// Enabled?
if (t.hasMozNativeFullScreen) {
t.nativeFullScreenEnabled = document.mozFullScreenEnabled;
} else if (t.hasMsNativeFullScreen) {
t.nativeFullScreenEnabled = document.msFullscreenEnabled;
if (t.isChrome) {
t.hasSemiNativeFullScreen = false;
if (t.hasTrueNativeFullScreen) {
t.fullScreenEventName = '';
if (t.hasWebkitNativeFullScreen) {
t.fullScreenEventName = 'webkitfullscreenchange';
} else if (t.hasMozNativeFullScreen) {
t.fullScreenEventName = 'mozfullscreenchange';
} else if (t.hasMsNativeFullScreen) {
t.fullScreenEventName = 'MSFullscreenChange';
t.isFullScreen = function() {
if (v.mozRequestFullScreen) {
return d.mozFullScreen;
} else if (v.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
return d.webkitIsFullScreen;
} else if (v.hasMsNativeFullScreen) {
return d.msFullscreenElement !== null;
t.requestFullScreen = function(el) {
if (t.hasWebkitNativeFullScreen) {
} else if (t.hasMozNativeFullScreen) {
} else if (t.hasMsNativeFullScreen) {
t.cancelFullScreen = function() {
if (t.hasWebkitNativeFullScreen) {
} else if (t.hasMozNativeFullScreen) {
} else if (t.hasMsNativeFullScreen) {
// OS X 10.5 can't do this even if it says it can :(
if (t.hasSemiNativeFullScreen && ua.match(/mac os x 10_5/i)) {
t.hasNativeFullScreen = false;
t.hasSemiNativeFullScreen = false;
extension methods to <video> or <audio> object to bring it into parity with PluginMediaElement (see below)
mejs.HtmlMediaElement = {
pluginType: 'native',
isFullScreen: false,
setCurrentTime: function (time) {
this.currentTime = time;
setMuted: function (muted) {
this.muted = muted;
setVolume: function (volume) {
this.volume = volume;
// for parity with the plugin versions
stop: function () {
// This can be a url string
// or an array [{src:'file.mp4',type:'video/mp4'},{src:'file.webm',type:'video/webm'}]
setSrc: function (url) {
// Fix for IE9 which can't set .src when there are <source> elements. Awesome, right?
existingSources = this.getElementsByTagName('source');
while (existingSources.length > 0){
if (typeof url == 'string') {
this.src = url;
} else {
var i, media;
for (i=0; i<url.length; i++) {
media = url[i];
if (this.canPlayType(media.type)) {
this.src = media.src;
setVideoSize: function (width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
Mimics the <video/audio> element by calling Flash's External Interface or Silverlights [ScriptableMember]
mejs.PluginMediaElement = function (pluginid, pluginType, mediaUrl) {
this.id = pluginid;
this.pluginType = pluginType;
this.src = mediaUrl;
this.events = {};
this.attributes = {};
// JavaScript values and ExternalInterface methods that match HTML5 video properties methods
// http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/video/FLVPlayback.html
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/video.html
mejs.PluginMediaElement.prototype = {
// special
pluginElement: null,
pluginType: '',
isFullScreen: false,
// not implemented :(
playbackRate: -1,
defaultPlaybackRate: -1,
seekable: [],
played: [],
// HTML5 read-only properties
paused: true,
ended: false,
seeking: false,
duration: 0,
error: null,
tagName: '',
// HTML5 get/set properties, but only set (updated by event handlers)
muted: false,
volume: 1,
currentTime: 0,
// HTML5 methods
play: function () {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube') {
} else {
this.paused = false;
load: function () {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube') {
} else {
this.paused = false;
pause: function () {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube') {
} else {
this.paused = true;
stop: function () {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube') {
} else {
this.paused = true;
canPlayType: function(type) {
var i,
pluginVersions = mejs.plugins[this.pluginType];
for (i=0; i<pluginVersions.length; i++) {
pluginInfo = pluginVersions[i];
// test if user has the correct plugin version
if (mejs.PluginDetector.hasPluginVersion(this.pluginType, pluginInfo.version)) {
// test for plugin playback types
for (j=0; j<pluginInfo.types.length; j++) {
// find plugin that can play the type
if (type == pluginInfo.types[j]) {
return 'probably';
return '';
positionFullscreenButton: function(x,y,visibleAndAbove) {
if (this.pluginApi != null && this.pluginApi.positionFullscreenButton) {
hideFullscreenButton: function() {
if (this.pluginApi != null && this.pluginApi.hideFullscreenButton) {
// custom methods since not all JavaScript implementations support get/set
// This can be a url string
// or an array [{src:'file.mp4',type:'video/mp4'},{src:'file.webm',type:'video/webm'}]
setSrc: function (url) {
if (typeof url == 'string') {
this.src = mejs.Utility.absolutizeUrl(url);
} else {
var i, media;
for (i=0; i<url.length; i++) {
media = url[i];
if (this.canPlayType(media.type)) {
this.src = mejs.Utility.absolutizeUrl(url);
setCurrentTime: function (time) {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube') {
} else {
this.currentTime = time;
setVolume: function (volume) {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
// same on YouTube and MEjs
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube') {
this.pluginApi.setVolume(volume * 100);
} else {
this.volume = volume;
setMuted: function (muted) {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube') {
if (muted) {
} else {
this.muted = muted;
} else {
this.muted = muted;
// additional non-HTML5 methods
setVideoSize: function (width, height) {
//if (this.pluginType == 'flash' || this.pluginType == 'silverlight') {
if ( this.pluginElement.style) {
this.pluginElement.style.width = width + 'px';
this.pluginElement.style.height = height + 'px';
if (this.pluginApi != null && this.pluginApi.setVideoSize) {
this.pluginApi.setVideoSize(width, height);
setFullscreen: function (fullscreen) {
if (this.pluginApi != null && this.pluginApi.setFullscreen) {
enterFullScreen: function() {
if (this.pluginApi != null && this.pluginApi.setFullscreen) {
exitFullScreen: function() {
if (this.pluginApi != null && this.pluginApi.setFullscreen) {
// start: fake events
addEventListener: function (eventName, callback, bubble) {
this.events[eventName] = this.events[eventName] || [];
removeEventListener: function (eventName, callback) {
if (!eventName) { this.events = {}; return true; }
var callbacks = this.events[eventName];
if (!callbacks) return true;
if (!callback) { this.events[eventName] = []; return true; }
for (i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
if (callbacks[i] === callback) {
this.events[eventName].splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;
dispatchEvent: function (eventName) {
var i,
callbacks = this.events[eventName];
if (callbacks) {
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
for (i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
callbacks[i].apply(null, args);
// end: fake events
// fake DOM attribute methods
hasAttribute: function(name){
return (name in this.attributes);
removeAttribute: function(name){
delete this.attributes[name];
getAttribute: function(name){
if (this.hasAttribute(name)) {
return this.attributes[name];
return '';
setAttribute: function(name, value){
this.attributes[name] = value;
remove: function() {
// Handles calls from Flash/Silverlight and reports them as native <video/audio> events and properties
mejs.MediaPluginBridge = {
registerPluginElement: function (id, pluginMediaElement, htmlMediaElement) {
this.pluginMediaElements[id] = pluginMediaElement;
this.htmlMediaElements[id] = htmlMediaElement;
unregisterPluginElement: function (id) {
delete this.pluginMediaElements[id];
delete this.htmlMediaElements[id];
// when Flash/Silverlight is ready, it calls out to this method
initPlugin: function (id) {
var pluginMediaElement = this.pluginMediaElements[id],
htmlMediaElement = this.htmlMediaElements[id];
if (pluginMediaElement) {
// find the javascript bridge
switch (pluginMediaElement.pluginType) {
case "flash":
pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = document.getElementById(id);
case "silverlight":
pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = document.getElementById(pluginMediaElement.id);
pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = pluginMediaElement.pluginElement.Content.MediaElementJS;
if (pluginMediaElement.pluginApi != null && pluginMediaElement.success) {
pluginMediaElement.success(pluginMediaElement, htmlMediaElement);
// receives events from Flash/Silverlight and sends them out as HTML5 media events
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/video.html
fireEvent: function (id, eventName, values) {
pluginMediaElement = this.pluginMediaElements[id];
// fake event object to mimic real HTML media event.
e = {
type: eventName,
target: pluginMediaElement
// attach all values to element and event object
for (i in values) {
pluginMediaElement[i] = values[i];
e[i] = values[i];
// fake the newer W3C buffered TimeRange (loaded and total have been removed)
bufferedTime = values.bufferedTime || 0;
e.target.buffered = e.buffered = {
start: function(index) {
return 0;
end: function (index) {
return bufferedTime;
length: 1
pluginMediaElement.dispatchEvent(e.type, e);
Default options
mejs.MediaElementDefaults = {
// allows testing on HTML5, flash, silverlight
// auto: attempts to detect what the browser can do
// auto_plugin: prefer plugins and then attempt native HTML5
// native: forces HTML5 playback
// shim: disallows HTML5, will attempt either Flash or Silverlight
// none: forces fallback view
mode: 'auto',
// remove or reorder to change plugin priority and availability
plugins: ['flash','silverlight','youtube','vimeo'],
// shows debug errors on screen
enablePluginDebug: false,
// use plugin for browsers that have trouble with Basic Authentication on HTTPS sites
httpsBasicAuthSite: false,
// overrides the type specified, useful for dynamic instantiation
type: '',
// path to Flash and Silverlight plugins
pluginPath: mejs.Utility.getScriptPath(['mediaelement.js','mediaelement.min.js','mediaelement-and-player.js','mediaelement-and-player.min.js']),
// name of flash file
flashName: 'flashmediaelement.swf',
// streamer for RTMP streaming
flashStreamer: '',
// turns on the smoothing filter in Flash
enablePluginSmoothing: false,
// enabled pseudo-streaming (seek) on .mp4 files
enablePseudoStreaming: false,
// start query parameter sent to server for pseudo-streaming
pseudoStreamingStartQueryParam: 'start',
// name of silverlight file
silverlightName: 'silverlightmediaelement.xap',
// default if the <video width> is not specified
defaultVideoWidth: 480,
// default if the <video height> is not specified
defaultVideoHeight: 270,
// overrides <video width>
pluginWidth: -1,
// overrides <video height>
pluginHeight: -1,
// additional plugin variables in 'key=value' form
pluginVars: [],
// rate in milliseconds for Flash and Silverlight to fire the timeupdate event
// larger number is less accurate, but less strain on plugin->JavaScript bridge
timerRate: 250,
// initial volume for player
startVolume: 0.8,
success: function () { },
error: function () { }
Determines if a browser supports the <video> or <audio> element
and returns either the native element or a Flash/Silverlight version that
mimics HTML5 MediaElement
mejs.MediaElement = function (el, o) {
return mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim.create(el,o);
mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
create: function(el, o) {
options = mejs.MediaElementDefaults,
htmlMediaElement = (typeof(el) == 'string') ? document.getElementById(el) : el,
tagName = htmlMediaElement.tagName.toLowerCase(),
isMediaTag = (tagName === 'audio' || tagName === 'video'),
src = (isMediaTag) ? htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('src') : htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('href'),
poster = htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('poster'),
autoplay = htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('autoplay'),
preload = htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('preload'),
controls = htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('controls'),
// extend options
for (prop in o) {
options[prop] = o[prop];
// clean up attributes
src = (typeof src == 'undefined' || src === null || src == '') ? null : src;
poster = (typeof poster == 'undefined' || poster === null) ? '' : poster;
preload = (typeof preload == 'undefined' || preload === null || preload === 'false') ? 'none' : preload;
autoplay = !(typeof autoplay == 'undefined' || autoplay === null || autoplay === 'false');
controls = !(typeof controls == 'undefined' || controls === null || controls === 'false');
// test for HTML5 and plugin capabilities
playback = this.determinePlayback(htmlMediaElement, options, mejs.MediaFeatures.supportsMediaTag, isMediaTag, src);
playback.url = (playback.url !== null) ? mejs.Utility.absolutizeUrl(playback.url) : '';
if (playback.method == 'native') {
// second fix for android
if (mejs.MediaFeatures.isBustedAndroid) {
htmlMediaElement.src = playback.url;
htmlMediaElement.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, false);
// add methods to native HTMLMediaElement
return this.updateNative(playback, options, autoplay, preload);
} else if (playback.method !== '') {
// create plugin to mimic HTMLMediaElement
return this.createPlugin( playback, options, poster, autoplay, preload, controls);
} else {
// boo, no HTML5, no Flash, no Silverlight.
this.createErrorMessage( playback, options, poster );
return this;
determinePlayback: function(htmlMediaElement, options, supportsMediaTag, isMediaTag, src) {
mediaFiles = [],
result = { method: '', url: '', htmlMediaElement: htmlMediaElement, isVideo: (htmlMediaElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'audio')},
// STEP 1: Get URL and type from <video src> or <source src>
// supplied type overrides <video type> and <source type>
if (typeof options.type != 'undefined' && options.type !== '') {
// accept either string or array of types
if (typeof options.type == 'string') {
mediaFiles.push({type:options.type, url:src});
} else {
for (i=0; i<options.type.length; i++) {
mediaFiles.push({type:options.type[i], url:src});
// test for src attribute first
} else if (src !== null) {
type = this.formatType(src, htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('type'));
mediaFiles.push({type:type, url:src});
// then test for <source> elements
} else {
// test <source> types to see if they are usable
for (i = 0; i < htmlMediaElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
n = htmlMediaElement.childNodes[i];
if (n.nodeType == 1 && n.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'source') {
src = n.getAttribute('src');
type = this.formatType(src, n.getAttribute('type'));
media = n.getAttribute('media');
if (!media || !window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(media).matches)) {
mediaFiles.push({type:type, url:src});
// in the case of dynamicly created players
// check for audio types
if (!isMediaTag && mediaFiles.length > 0 && mediaFiles[0].url !== null && this.getTypeFromFile(mediaFiles[0].url).indexOf('audio') > -1) {
result.isVideo = false;
// STEP 2: Test for playback method
// special case for Android which sadly doesn't implement the canPlayType function (always returns '')
if (mejs.MediaFeatures.isBustedAndroid) {
htmlMediaElement.canPlayType = function(type) {
return (type.match(/video\/(mp4|m4v)/gi) !== null) ? 'maybe' : '';
// test for native playback first
if (supportsMediaTag && (options.mode === 'auto' || options.mode === 'auto_plugin' || options.mode === 'native') && !(mejs.MediaFeatures.isBustedNativeHTTPS && options.httpsBasicAuthSite === true)) {
if (!isMediaTag) {
// create a real HTML5 Media Element
dummy = document.createElement( result.isVideo ? 'video' : 'audio');
htmlMediaElement.parentNode.insertBefore(dummy, htmlMediaElement);
htmlMediaElement.style.display = 'none';
// use this one from now on
result.htmlMediaElement = htmlMediaElement = dummy;
for (i=0; i<mediaFiles.length; i++) {
// normal check
if (htmlMediaElement.canPlayType(mediaFiles[i].type).replace(/no/, '') !== ''
// special case for Mac/Safari 5.0.3 which answers '' to canPlayType('audio/mp3') but 'maybe' to canPlayType('audio/mpeg')
|| htmlMediaElement.canPlayType(mediaFiles[i].type.replace(/mp3/,'mpeg')).replace(/no/, '') !== '') {
result.method = 'native';
result.url = mediaFiles[i].url;
if (result.method === 'native') {
if (result.url !== null) {
htmlMediaElement.src = result.url;
// if `auto_plugin` mode, then cache the native result but try plugins.
if (options.mode !== 'auto_plugin') {
return result;
// if native playback didn't work, then test plugins
if (options.mode === 'auto' || options.mode === 'auto_plugin' || options.mode === 'shim') {
for (i=0; i<mediaFiles.length; i++) {
type = mediaFiles[i].type;
// test all plugins in order of preference [silverlight, flash]
for (j=0; j<options.plugins.length; j++) {
pluginName = options.plugins[j];
// test version of plugin (for future features)
pluginVersions = mejs.plugins[pluginName];
for (k=0; k<pluginVersions.length; k++) {
pluginInfo = pluginVersions[k];
// test if user has the correct plugin version
// for youtube/vimeo
if (pluginInfo.version == null ||
mejs.PluginDetector.hasPluginVersion(pluginName, pluginInfo.version)) {
// test for plugin playback types
for (l=0; l<pluginInfo.types.length; l++) {
// find plugin that can play the type
if (type == pluginInfo.types[l]) {
result.method = pluginName;
result.url = mediaFiles[i].url;
return result;
// at this point, being in 'auto_plugin' mode implies that we tried plugins but failed.
// if we have native support then return that.
if (options.mode === 'auto_plugin' && result.method === 'native') {
return result;
// what if there's nothing to play? just grab the first available
if (result.method === '' && mediaFiles.length > 0) {
result.url = mediaFiles[0].url;
return result;
formatType: function(url, type) {
var ext;
// if no type is supplied, fake it with the extension
if (url && !type) {
return this.getTypeFromFile(url);
} else {
// only return the mime part of the type in case the attribute contains the codec
// see http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/video.html#the-source-element
// `video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"` becomes `video/mp4`
if (type && ~type.indexOf(';')) {
return type.substr(0, type.indexOf(';'));
} else {
return type;
getTypeFromFile: function(url) {
url = url.split('?')[0];
var ext = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
return (/(mp4|m4v|ogg|ogv|webm|webmv|flv|wmv|mpeg|mov)/gi.test(ext) ? 'video' : 'audio') + '/' + this.getTypeFromExtension(ext);
getTypeFromExtension: function(ext) {
switch (ext) {
case 'mp4':
case 'm4v':
return 'mp4';
case 'webm':
case 'webma':
case 'webmv':
return 'webm';
case 'ogg':
case 'oga':
case 'ogv':
return 'ogg';
return ext;
createErrorMessage: function(playback, options, poster) {
htmlMediaElement = playback.htmlMediaElement,
errorContainer = document.createElement('div');
errorContainer.className = 'me-cannotplay';
try {
errorContainer.style.width = htmlMediaElement.width + 'px';
errorContainer.style.height = htmlMediaElement.height + 'px';
} catch (e) {}
if (options.customError) {
errorContainer.innerHTML = options.customError;
} else {
errorContainer.innerHTML = (poster !== '') ?
'<a href="' + playback.url + '"><img src="' + poster + '" width="100%" height="100%" /></a>' :
'<a href="' + playback.url + '"><span>' + mejs.i18n.t('Download File') + '</span></a>';
htmlMediaElement.parentNode.insertBefore(errorContainer, htmlMediaElement);
htmlMediaElement.style.display = 'none';
createPlugin:function(playback, options, poster, autoplay, preload, controls) {
htmlMediaElement = playback.htmlMediaElement,
width = 1,
height = 1,
pluginid = 'me_' + playback.method + '_' + (mejs.meIndex++),
pluginMediaElement = new mejs.PluginMediaElement(pluginid, playback.method, playback.url),
container = document.createElement('div'),
// copy tagName from html media element
pluginMediaElement.tagName = htmlMediaElement.tagName
// copy attributes from html media element to plugin media element
for (var i = 0; i < htmlMediaElement.attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = htmlMediaElement.attributes[i];
if (attribute.specified == true) {
pluginMediaElement.setAttribute(attribute.name, attribute.value);
// check for placement inside a <p> tag (sometimes WYSIWYG editors do this)
node = htmlMediaElement.parentNode;
while (node !== null && node.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
if (node.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'p') {
node.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, node.parentNode);
node = node.parentNode;
if (playback.isVideo) {
width = (options.pluginWidth > 0) ? options.pluginWidth : (options.videoWidth > 0) ? options.videoWidth : (htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('width') !== null) ? htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('width') : options.defaultVideoWidth;
height = (options.pluginHeight > 0) ? options.pluginHeight : (options.videoHeight > 0) ? options.videoHeight : (htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('height') !== null) ? htmlMediaElement.getAttribute('height') : options.defaultVideoHeight;
// in case of '%' make sure it's encoded
width = mejs.Utility.encodeUrl(width);
height = mejs.Utility.encodeUrl(height);
} else {
if (options.enablePluginDebug) {
width = 320;
height = 240;
// register plugin
pluginMediaElement.success = options.success;
mejs.MediaPluginBridge.registerPluginElement(pluginid, pluginMediaElement, htmlMediaElement);
// add container (must be added to DOM before inserting HTML for IE)
container.className = 'me-plugin';
container.id = pluginid + '_container';
if (playback.isVideo) {
htmlMediaElement.parentNode.insertBefore(container, htmlMediaElement);
} else {
document.body.insertBefore(container, document.body.childNodes[0]);
// flash/silverlight vars
initVars = [
'id=' + pluginid,
'isvideo=' + ((playback.isVideo) ? "true" : "false"),
'autoplay=' + ((autoplay) ? "true" : "false"),
'preload=' + preload,
'width=' + width,
'startvolume=' + options.startVolume,
'timerrate=' + options.timerRate,
'flashstreamer=' + options.flashStreamer,
'height=' + height,
'pseudostreamstart=' + options.pseudoStreamingStartQueryParam];
if (playback.url !== null) {
if (playback.method == 'flash') {
initVars.push('file=' + mejs.Utility.encodeUrl(playback.url));
} else {
initVars.push('file=' + playback.url);
if (options.enablePluginDebug) {
if (options.enablePluginSmoothing) {
if (options.enablePseudoStreaming) {
if (controls) {
initVars.push('controls=true'); // shows controls in the plugin if desired
if (options.pluginVars) {
initVars = initVars.concat(options.pluginVars);
switch (playback.method) {
case 'silverlight':
container.innerHTML =
'<object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" id="' + pluginid + '" name="' + pluginid + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="initParams" value="' + initVars.join(',') + '" />' +
'<param name="windowless" value="true" />' +
'<param name="background" value="black" />' +
'<param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="" />' +
'<param name="autoUpgrade" value="true" />' +
'<param name="source" value="' + options.pluginPath + options.silverlightName + '" />' +
case 'flash':
if (mejs.MediaFeatures.isIE) {
specialIEContainer = document.createElement('div');
specialIEContainer.outerHTML =
'<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="//download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab" ' +
'id="' + pluginid + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="movie" value="' + options.pluginPath + options.flashName + '?x=' + (new Date()) + '" />' +
'<param name="flashvars" value="' + initVars.join('&') + '" />' +
'<param name="quality" value="high" />' +
'<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />' +
'<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' +
'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />' +
'<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />' +
} else {
container.innerHTML =
'<embed id="' + pluginid + '" name="' + pluginid + '" ' +
'play="true" ' +
'loop="false" ' +
'quality="high" ' +
'bgcolor="#000000" ' +
'wmode="transparent" ' +
'allowScriptAccess="always" ' +
'allowFullScreen="true" ' +
'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="//www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" ' +
'src="' + options.pluginPath + options.flashName + '" ' +
'flashvars="' + initVars.join('&') + '" ' +
'width="' + width + '" ' +
'height="' + height + '" ' +
case 'youtube':
videoId = playback.url.substr(playback.url.lastIndexOf('=')+1);
youtubeSettings = {
container: container,
containerId: container.id,
pluginMediaElement: pluginMediaElement,
pluginId: pluginid,
videoId: videoId,
height: height,
width: width
if (mejs.PluginDetector.hasPluginVersion('flash', [10,0,0]) ) {
} else {
// DEMO Code. Does NOT work.
case 'vimeo':
pluginMediaElement.vimeoid = playback.url.substr(playback.url.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
container.innerHTML ='<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/' + pluginMediaElement.vimeoid + '?portrait=0&byline=0&title=0" width="' + width +'" height="' + height +'" frameborder="0" class="mejs-shim"></iframe>';
container.innerHTML =
'<object width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />' +
'<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />' +
'<param name="flashvars" value="api=1" />' +
'<param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=' + pluginMediaElement.vimeoid + '&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=00adef&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" />' +
'<embed src="//vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?api=1&clip_id=' + pluginMediaElement.vimeoid + '&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=00adef&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" class="mejs-shim"></embed>' +
// hide original element
htmlMediaElement.style.display = 'none';
// prevent browser from autoplaying when using a plugin
// FYI: options.success will be fired by the MediaPluginBridge
return pluginMediaElement;
updateNative: function(playback, options, autoplay, preload) {
var htmlMediaElement = playback.htmlMediaElement,
// add methods to video object to bring it into parity with Flash Object
for (m in mejs.HtmlMediaElement) {
htmlMediaElement[m] = mejs.HtmlMediaElement[m];
Chrome now supports preload="none"
if (mejs.MediaFeatures.isChrome) {
// special case to enforce preload attribute (Chrome doesn't respect this)
if (preload === 'none' && !autoplay) {
// forces the browser to stop loading (note: fails in IE9)
htmlMediaElement.src = '';
htmlMediaElement.canceledPreload = true;
htmlMediaElement.addEventListener('play',function() {
if (htmlMediaElement.canceledPreload) {
htmlMediaElement.src = playback.url;
htmlMediaElement.canceledPreload = false;
}, false);
// for some reason Chrome forgets how to autoplay sometimes.
} else if (autoplay) {
// fire success code
options.success(htmlMediaElement, htmlMediaElement);
return htmlMediaElement;
- test on IE (object vs. embed)
- determine when to use iframe (Firefox, Safari, Mobile) vs. Flash (Chrome, IE)
- fullscreen?
// YouTube Flash and Iframe API
mejs.YouTubeApi = {
isIframeStarted: false,
isIframeLoaded: false,
loadIframeApi: function() {
if (!this.isIframeStarted) {
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "//www.youtube.com/player_api";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
this.isIframeStarted = true;
iframeQueue: [],
enqueueIframe: function(yt) {
if (this.isLoaded) {
} else {
createIframe: function(settings) {
pluginMediaElement = settings.pluginMediaElement,
player = new YT.Player(settings.containerId, {
height: settings.height,
width: settings.width,
videoId: settings.videoId,
playerVars: {controls:0},
events: {
'onReady': function() {
// hook up iframe object to MEjs
settings.pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = player;
// init mejs
// create timer
setInterval(function() {
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'timeupdate');
}, 250);
'onStateChange': function(e) {
mejs.YouTubeApi.handleStateChange(e.data, player, pluginMediaElement);
createEvent: function (player, pluginMediaElement, eventName) {
var obj = {
type: eventName,
target: pluginMediaElement
if (player && player.getDuration) {
// time
pluginMediaElement.currentTime = obj.currentTime = player.getCurrentTime();
pluginMediaElement.duration = obj.duration = player.getDuration();
// state
obj.paused = pluginMediaElement.paused;
obj.ended = pluginMediaElement.ended;
// sound
obj.muted = player.isMuted();
obj.volume = player.getVolume() / 100;
// progress
obj.bytesTotal = player.getVideoBytesTotal();
obj.bufferedBytes = player.getVideoBytesLoaded();
// fake the W3C buffered TimeRange
var bufferedTime = obj.bufferedBytes / obj.bytesTotal * obj.duration;
obj.target.buffered = obj.buffered = {
start: function(index) {
return 0;
end: function (index) {
return bufferedTime;
length: 1
// send event up the chain
pluginMediaElement.dispatchEvent(obj.type, obj);
iFrameReady: function() {
this.isLoaded = true;
this.isIframeLoaded = true;
while (this.iframeQueue.length > 0) {
var settings = this.iframeQueue.pop();
flashPlayers: {},
createFlash: function(settings) {
this.flashPlayers[settings.pluginId] = settings;
settings.container.innerHTML =
'<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="' + settings.pluginId + '" data="//www.youtube.com/apiplayer?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=' + settings.pluginId + '&version=3&autoplay=0&controls=0&modestbranding=1&loop=0" ' +
'width="' + settings.width + '" height="' + settings.height + '" style="visibility: visible; " class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">' +
'<param name="wmode" value="transparent">' +
var specialIEContainer,
youtubeUrl = '//www.youtube.com/apiplayer?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=' + settings.pluginId + '&version=3&autoplay=0&controls=0&modestbranding=1&loop=0';
if (mejs.MediaFeatures.isIE) {
specialIEContainer = document.createElement('div');
specialIEContainer.outerHTML = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="//download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab" ' +
'id="' + settings.pluginId + '" width="' + settings.width + '" height="' + settings.height + '" class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="movie" value="' + youtubeUrl + '" />' +
'<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' +
'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />' +
'<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />' +
} else {
settings.container.innerHTML =
'<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="' + settings.pluginId + '" data="' + youtubeUrl + '" ' +
'width="' + settings.width + '" height="' + settings.height + '" style="visibility: visible; " class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">' +
'<param name="wmode" value="transparent">' +
flashReady: function(id) {
settings = this.flashPlayers[id],
player = document.getElementById(id),
pluginMediaElement = settings.pluginMediaElement;
// hook up and return to MediaELementPlayer.success
pluginMediaElement.pluginApi =
pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = player;
// load the youtube video
var callbackName = settings.containerId + '_callback';
window[callbackName] = function(e) {
mejs.YouTubeApi.handleStateChange(e, player, pluginMediaElement);
player.addEventListener('onStateChange', callbackName);
setInterval(function() {
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'timeupdate');
}, 250);
handleStateChange: function(youTubeState, player, pluginMediaElement) {
switch (youTubeState) {
case -1: // not started
pluginMediaElement.paused = true;
pluginMediaElement.ended = true;
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'loadedmetadata');
//createYouTubeEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'loadeddata');
case 0:
pluginMediaElement.paused = false;
pluginMediaElement.ended = true;
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'ended');
case 1:
pluginMediaElement.paused = false;
pluginMediaElement.ended = false;
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'play');
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'playing');
case 2:
pluginMediaElement.paused = true;
pluginMediaElement.ended = false;
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'pause');
case 3: // buffering
mejs.YouTubeApi.createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'progress');
case 5:
// cued?
function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {
function onYouTubePlayerReady(id) {
window.mejs = mejs;
window.MediaElement = mejs.MediaElement;
* Adds Internationalization and localization to objects.
* What is the concept beyond i18n?
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalization_and_localization
* This file both i18n methods and locale which is used to translate
* strings into other languages.
* Default translations are not available, you have to add them
* through locale objects which are named exactly as the langcode
* they stand for. The default language is always english (en).
* Wrapper built to be able to attach the i18n object to
* other objects without changing more than one line.
* The i18n file uses methods from the Drupal project (drupal.js):
* - i18n.methods.t() (modified)
* - i18n.methods.checkPlain() (full copy)
* - i18n.methods.formatString() (full copy)
* The Drupal project is (like mediaelementjs) licensed under GPLv2.
* - http://drupal.org/licensing/faq/#q1
* - https://github.com/johndyer/mediaelement
* - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* @author
* Tim Latz (latz.tim@gmail.com)
* @see
* me-i18n-locale.js
* @params
* - context - document, iframe ..
* - exports - CommonJS, window ..
;(function(context, exports, undefined) {
"use strict";
var i18n = {
"locale": {
"language" : '',
"strings" : {}
"methods" : {}
// start i18n
* Get the current browser's language
* @see: i18n.methods.t()
i18n.locale.getLanguage = function () {
return i18n.locale.language || navigator.language;
if ( typeof mejsL10n != 'undefined' ) {
i18n.locale.language = mejsL10n.language;
* Store the language the locale object was initialized with
i18n.locale.INIT_LANGUAGE = i18n.locale.getLanguage();
* Encode special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.
i18n.methods.checkPlain = function (str) {
var character, regex,
replace = {
'&': '&',
'"': '"',
'<': '<',
'>': '>'
str = String(str);
for (character in replace) {
if (replace.hasOwnProperty(character)) {
regex = new RegExp(character, 'g');
str = str.replace(regex, replace[character]);
return str;
* Replace placeholders with sanitized values in a string.
* @param str
* A string with placeholders.
* @param args
* An object of replacements pairs to make. Incidences of any key in this
* array are replaced with the corresponding value. Based on the first
* character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed:
* - !variable: inserted as is
* - @variable: escape plain text to HTML (i18n.methods.checkPlain)
* - %variable: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-submitted
* content (checkPlain + <em class="placeholder" > )
* @see i18n.methods.t()
i18n.methods.formatString = function(str, args) {
// Transform arguments before inserting them.
for (var key in args) {
switch (key.charAt(0)) {
// Escaped only.
case '@':
args[key] = i18n.methods.checkPlain(args[key]);
// Pass-through.
case '!':
// Escaped and placeholder.
case '%':
args[key] = '<em class="placeholder">' + i18n.methods.checkPlain(args[key]) + '</em>';
str = str.replace(key, args[key]);
return str;
* Translate strings to the page language or a given language.
* See the documentation of the server-side t() function for further details.
* @param str
* A string containing the English string to translate.
* @param args
* An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences
* of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.
* See i18n.methods.formatString().
* @param options
* - 'context' (defaults to the default context): The context the source string
* belongs to.
* @return
* The translated string.
i18n.methods.t = function (str, args, options) {
// Fetch the localized version of the string.
if (i18n.locale.strings && i18n.locale.strings[options.context] && i18n.locale.strings[options.context][str]) {
str = i18n.locale.strings[options.context][str];
if (args) {
str = i18n.methods.formatString(str, args);
return str;
* Wrapper for i18n.methods.t()
* @see i18n.methods.t()
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
i18n.t = function(str, args, options) {
if (typeof str === 'string' && str.length > 0) {
// check every time due language can change for
// different reasons (translation, lang switcher ..)
var language = i18n.locale.getLanguage();
options = options || {
"context" : language
return i18n.methods.t(str, args, options);
else {
throw {
"name" : 'InvalidArgumentException',
"message" : 'First argument is either not a string or empty.'
// end i18n
exports.i18n = i18n;
}(document, mejs));
;(function(exports, undefined) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof mejsL10n != 'undefined' ) {
exports[mejsL10n.language] = mejsL10n.strings;
* This is a i18n.locale language object.
*<de> German translation by Tim Latz, latz.tim@gmail.com
* @author
* Tim Latz (latz.tim@gmail.com)
* @see
* me-i18n.js
* @params
* - exports - CommonJS, window ..
;(function(exports, undefined) {
"use strict";
exports.de = {
"Fullscreen" : "Vollbild",
"Go Fullscreen" : "Vollbild an",
"Turn off Fullscreen" : "Vollbild aus",
"Close" : "Schließen"
* This is a i18n.locale language object.
*<de> Traditional chinese translation by Tim Latz, latz.tim@gmail.com
* @author
* Tim Latz (latz.tim@gmail.com)
* @see
* me-i18n.js
* @params
* - exports - CommonJS, window ..
;(function(exports, undefined) {
"use strict";
exports.zh = {
"Fullscreen" : "全螢幕",
"Go Fullscreen" : "全屏模式",
"Turn off Fullscreen" : "退出全屏模式",
"Close" : "關閉"