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module.exports = async function(callback) {
const ERC1155DiamondFactory = artifacts.require('ERC1155DiamondFactory');
const factory = await ERC1155DiamondFactory.deployed();
console.log("Finding first store:");
const newStoreEvents = await factory.getPastEvents('NewStore', { fromBlock: 'earliest' })
const storeAddress = newStoreEvents[0].args.store;
const IERC1155DiamondAll = artifacts.require('IERC1155DiamondAll');
const store = await IERC1155DiamondAll.at(storeAddress);
console.log(`store address: ${storeAddress}`);
console.log(`store creator: ${await store.creator()}`);
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
console.log(`minting to account: ${accounts[0]}`);
const nfts = [
{ owner: accounts[0], price: 100, tokenPrice: 0, forSale: 0, tokenForSale: 1, metadataIpfsHash: 'Qmc34V17a7xH3QUU265PHxHBFVZS4z4S4crKd9zJHU43kT', dataLocked: true },
{ owner: accounts[0], price: 0, tokenPrice: 100, forSale: 1, tokenForSale: 0, metadataIpfsHash: 'Qmc34V17a7xH3QUU265PHxHBFVZS4z4S4crKd9zJHU43kT', dataLocked: true }
try {
const ret1 = await store.mintNonFungible(false, nfts);
let ids = ret1.logs.find(log => log.event === 'TransferBatch');
if (ids) ids = ids.args.ids.map(id => id.toString());
else {
ids = ret1.logs.filter(log => log.event === 'TransferSingle');
if (ids.length > 0) ids = ids.map(id => id.args.id.toString());
else ids = 'none';
console.log("IDs:", ids);
catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to mint", e);