* The Menu Flag `popParent` has been removed and `noHistory` has been updated to work as expected. In general things should "Just Work", but check your `menu.hjson` entries if you see menu stack issues.
* Various New User Application (NUA) properties are now optional. If you would like to reduce the information users are required, remove optional fields from NUA artwork and collect less. These properties will be stored as "" (empty). Optional properties are as follows: Real name, Birth date, Sex, Location, Affiliations (Affils), Email, and Web address.
* **Note for contributors**: ENiGMA has switched to [Prettier](https://prettier.io) for formatting/style. Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) and the Prettier website for more information.
* Removed terminal `cursor position reports` from most locations in the code. This should greatly increase the number of terminal programs that work with Enigma 1/2. For more information, see [Issue #222](https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs/issues/222). This may also resolve other issues, such as [Issue #365](https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs/issues/365), and [Issue #320](https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs/issues/320). Anyone that previously had terminal incompatibilities please re-check and let us know!
* Bumped up the minimum [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) version to v14. This will allow more expressive Javascript programming syntax with ECMAScript 2020 to improve the development experience.
* Added new configuration options for `term.checkUtf8Encoding`, `term.checkAnsiHomePosition`, `term.cp437TermList`, and `term.utf8TermList`. More information on these options is available in [UPGRADE](UPGRADE.md).
* Many additional backward-compatible bug fixes since the first release of 0.0.12-beta. See the [project repository](https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs) for more information.
* Deprecated Gopher's `messageConferences` configuration key in favor of a easier to deal with `exposedConfAreas` allowing wildcards and exclusions. See [Gopher](./docs/servers/contentservers/gopher.md).
* The `master` branch has become mainline. What this means to users is `git pull` will always give you the latest and greatest. Make sure to read [Updating](./docs/admin/updating.md) and keep an eye on `WHATSNEW.md` (this file) and [UPGRADE](UPGRADE.md)! See also [ticket #276](https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs/issues/276).
* A full configuration revamp has taken place. Configuration files such as `config.hjson`, `menu.hjson`, and `theme.hjson` can now utilize includes via the `includes` directive, reference 'self' sections using `@reference:` and import environment variables with `@environment`.
* An explicit prompt file previously specified by `general.promptFile` in `config.hjson` is no longer necessary. Instead, this now simply part of the `prompts` section in `menu.hjson`. The default setup still creates a separate prompt HJSON file, but it is `includes`ed in `menu.hjson`. With the removal of prompts the `PromptsChanged` event will no longer be fired.
* The `message` arg used by `msg_list` has been deprecated. Please starting using `messageIndex` for this purpose. Support for `message` will be removed in the future.
* Added ability to export/download messages. This is enabled in the default menu. See `messageAreaViewPost` in [the default message base template](./misc/menu_templates/message_base.in.hjson) and look for the download options (`@method:addToDownloadQueue`, etc.) for details on adding to your system!
* The Gopher server has had a revamp! Standard `gophermap` files are now served along with any other content you configure for your Gopher Hole! A default [gophermap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher_(protocol)#Source_code_of_a_menu) can be found [in the misc directory](./misc/gophermap) that behaves like the previous implementation. See [Gopher docs](./docs/servers/gopher.md) for more information.
* Default file browser up/down/pageUp/pageDown scrolls description (e.g. FILE_ID.DIZ). If you want to expose this on an existing system see the `fileBaseListEntries` in the default `file_base.in.hjson` template.
* A fix has been made to clean up old `file.db` entries when a file is removed. Previously stale records could be left or even recycled into new entries. Please see [UPGRADE.md](UPGRADE.md) for details on applying this fix (look for `tables_update_2020-11-29.sql`).
* The [./docs/modding/onelinerz.md](onelinerz) module can have `dbSuffix` set in it's `config` block to specify a separate DB file. For example to use as a requests list.
* FSE in *view* mode can now stylize quote indicators. Supply `quoteStyleLevel1` in the `config` block. This can be a single string or an array of two strings (one to style the quotee's initials, the next for the '>' character, and finally the quoted text). See the `messageAreaViewPost` menu `config` block in the default `luciano_blocktronics``theme.hjson` file for an example. An additional level style (e.g. for nested quotes) may be added in the future.
* FSE in *view* mode can now stylize tear lines and origin lines via `tearLineStyle` and `originStyle``config` values in the same manor as `quoteStyleLevel`.
+ `my_messages.js` module (defaulted to "m" at the message menu) to list public messages addressed to the currently logged in user. Takes into account their username and `real_name` property.
+ 2-Factor (2FA) authentication is now available using [RFC-4266 - HOTP: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4226), [RFC-6238 - TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6238), or [Google Authenticator](http://google-authenticator.com/). QR codes for activation are available as well. One-time backup aka recovery codes can also be used. See [Security](./docs/configuration/security.md) for more info!
* New ACS codes for new 2FA/OTP: `AR` and `AF`. See [ACS](./docs/configuration/acs.md) for details.
* Menu submit `action`'s can now in addition to being a simple string such as `@menu:someMenu`, or an array of objects with ACS checks, be a simple array of strings. In this case, a random match will be made. For example:
* Added `read` (list/view) and `write` (post) ACS support to message conferences and areas.
* Many new built in modules adding support for things like auto signatures, listing "my" messages, top stats, etc. Take a look in the docs for setting them up!
* Menu items can now be arrays of *objects* not just arrays of strings.
* The properties `itemFormat` and `focusItemFormat` allow you to supply the string format for items. For example if a menu object is `{ "userName" : "Bob", "age" : 35 }`, a `itemFormat` might be `|04{userName} |08- |14{age}`.
* If no `itemFormat` is supplied, the default formatter is `{text}`.
* Setting the `data` member of an object will cause form submissions to use this value instead of the selected items index.
* See the default `luciano_blocktronics``matrix` menu for example usage.
* You can now set the `sort` property on a menu to sort items. If `true` items are sorted by `text`. If the value is a string, it represents the key in menu objects to sort by.
* Hot-reload of configuration files such as menu.hjson, config.hjson, your themes.hjson, etc.: When a file is saved, it will be hot-reloaded into the running system
* Note that any custom modules should make use of the new Config.get() method.
* Ability to delete from personal mailbox (finally!)
* Add ability to skip file and/or message areas during newscan. Set config.omitFileAreaTags and config.omitMessageAreaTags in new_scan configuration of your menu.hjson
* User event log is now functional. Various events a user performs will be persisted to the `system.sqlite3``user_event_log` table for up to 90 days. An example usage can be found in the updated `last_callers` module where events are turned into Ami/X style actions. Please see `UPGRADE.md`!
*`install.sh` will now attempt to use NPM's `--build-from-source` option when ARM is detected.
*`oputil.js config new` will now generate a much more complete configuration file with comments, examples, etc. `oputil.js config cat` dumps your current config to stdout.
* Handling of failed login attempts is now fully in. Disconnect clients, lock out accounts, ability to auto or unlock at (email-driven) password reset, etc. See `users.failedLogin` in `config.hjson`.
* [Mystic BBS style](http://wiki.mysticbbs.com/doku.php?id=displaycodes) extended pipe color codes. These allow for example, to set "iCE" background colors.
* File descriptions (FILE_ID.DIZ, etc.) now support Renegade |## pipe, PCBoard, and other less common color codes found commonly in BBS era scene releases.
* New menu stack flags: `noHistory` now works as expected, and a new addition of `popParent`. See the default `menu.hjson` for usage.
* File structure changes making ENiGMA½ much easier to maintain and run in Docker. Thanks to RiPuk ([Dave Stephens](https://github.com/davestephens))! See [UPGRADE.md](UPGRADE.md) for details.
* Switch to pure JS [xxhash](https://github.com/mscdex/node-xxhash) instead of farmhash. Too many issues on ARM and other less popular CPUs with farmhash ([Dave Stephens](https://github.com/davestephens))
* Fix various issues with legacy DOS Telnet terminals. Note that some may still have issues with extensive CPR usage by ENiGMA½ that will be addressed in a future release.
* Added web (http://, https://) based download manager including batch downloads. Clickable links if using [VTXClient](https://github.com/codewar65/VTX_ClientServer)!
* NetMail support! You can now send and receive NetMail. To send a NetMail address a external user using `Name <address>` format from your personal email menu. For example, `Foo Bar <123:123/123>`. The system also detects other formats such asa `Name @ address` (`Foo Bar@123:123/123`)
*`oputil.js`: Added `mb areafix` command to quickly send AreaFix messages from the command line. You can manually send them from personal mail as well.