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# Message Networks
Message networks are configured in `messageNetworks` section of `config.hjson`. Each network type has it's own sub section such as `ftn` for FidoNet Technology Network (FTN) style networks. Message Networks tie directly with [Message Areas](msg_conf_area.md) that are also defined in `config.hjson`.
2016-03-29 04:58:06 +00:00
* `ftn`: Configure FTN networks (described below)
* `originLine` (optional): Overrwrite the default origin line for networks that support it. For example: `originLine: Xibalba - xibalba.l33t.codes:44510`
## FidoNet Technology Network (FTN)
2017-09-29 22:30:05 +00:00
FTN networks are configured under the `messageNetworks.ftn` section of `config.hjson`.
### Networks
The `networks` section contains a sub section for network(s) you wish you join your board with. Each entry's key name can be referenced elsewhere in `config.hjson` for FTN oriented configurations.
* `localAddress` (required): FTN address of **your local system**
messageNetworks: {
ftn: {
networks: {
agoranet: {
localAddress: "46:3/102"
### Areas
2017-09-29 22:30:05 +00:00
The `areas` section describes a mapping of local **area tags** found in your `messageConferences` to a message network (from `networks` described previously), a FTN specific area tag, and remote uplink address(s). This section can be thought of similar to the *AREAS.BBS* file used by other BBS packages (In fact you can import AREAS.BBS using `oputil.js`!)
When importing, messages will be placed in the local area that matches key under `areas`.
* `network` (required): Associated network from the `networks` section
* `tag` (required): FTN area tag
* `uplinks`: An array of FTN address uplink(s) for this network
messageNetworks: {
ftn: {
areas: {
agoranet_bbs: { /* found within messageConferences */
network: agoranet
tag: AGN_BBS
uplinks: "46:1/100"
### BSO Import / Export
2017-09-29 22:30:05 +00:00
The scanner/tosser module `ftn_bso` provides **B**inkley **S**tyle **O**utbound (BSO) import/toss & scan/export of messages EchoMail and NetMail messages. Configuration is supplied in `config.hjson` under `scannerTossers.ftn_bso`.
* `defaultZone` (required): Sets the default BSO outbound zone
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* `defaultNetwork` (optional): Sets the default network name from `messageNetworks.ftn.networks`. **Required if more than one network is defined**.
* `paths` (optional): Override default paths set by the system. This section may contain `outbound`, `inbound`, and `secInbound`.
* `packetTargetByteSize` (optional): Overrides the system *target* packet (.pkt) size of 512000 bytes (512k)
* `bundleTargetByteSize` (optional): Overrides the system *target* ArcMail bundle size of 2048000 bytes (2M)
* `schedule` (required): See Scheduling
* `nodes` (required): See Nodes
#### Nodes
The `nodes` section defines how to export messages for one or more uplinks.
A node entry starts with a FTN style address (up to 5D) **as a key** in `config.hjson`. This key may contain wildcard(s) for net/zone/node/point/domain.
* `packetType` (optional): `2`, `2.2`, or `2+`. Defaults to `2+` for modern mailer compatiability
* `packetPassword` (optional): Password for the packet
* `encoding` (optional): Encoding to use for message bodies; Defaults to `utf-8`
* `archiveType` (optional): Specifies the archive type for ArcMail bundles. Must be a valid archiver name such as `zip` (See archiver configuration)
scannerTossers: {
ftn_bso: {
nodes: {
2017-09-29 22:30:05 +00:00
"46:*": {
packetType: 2+
packetPassword: mypass
encoding: cp437
archiveType: zip
2017-09-29 22:30:05 +00:00
#### TIC Support
ENiGMA½ supports TIC files. This is handled by mapping TIC areas to local file areas.
Under a given node (described above) TIC configuration may be supplied.
#### Scheduling
Schedules can be defined for importing and exporting via `import` and `export` under `schedule`. Each entry is allowed a "free form" text and/or special indicators for immediate export or watch file triggers.
* `@immediate`: A message will be immediately exported if this trigger is defined in a schedule. Only used for `export`.
* `@watch:/path/to/file`: This trigger watches the path specified for changes and will trigger an import or export when such events occur. Only used for `import`.
* Free form text can be things like `at 5:00 pm` or `every 2 hours`.
See [Later text parsing documentation](http://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html#text) for more information.
scannerTossers: {
ftn_bso: {
schedule: {
import: every 1 hours or @watch:/path/to/watchfile.ext
export: every 1 hours or @immediate
2016-03-31 00:40:33 +00:00
## More Information
* [ENiGMA 1/2 + Binkd on CentOS 7](https://www.l33t.codes/enigma-12-binkd-on-centos-7/)