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Message Networks

Message networks are configured in messageNetworks section of config.hjson. Each network type has it's own sub section such as ftn for FidoNet Technology Network (FTN) style networks. Message Networks tie directly with Message Areas that are also defined in config.hjson.


  • ftn: Configure FTN networks (described below)
  • originLine (optional): Overrwrite the default origin line for networks that support it. For example: originLine: Xibalba - xibalba.l33t.codes:44510

FidoNet Technology Network (FTN)

FTN networks are configured under the messageNetworks.ftn section of config.hjson.


The networks section contains a sub section for network(s) you wish you join your board with. Each entry's key name can be referenced elsewhere in config.hjson for FTN oriented configurations.


  • localAddress (required): FTN address of your local system


  messageNetworks: {
    ftn: {
      networks: {
        agoranet: {
          localAddress: "46:3/102"


The areas section describes a mapping of local area tags found in your messageConferences to a message network (from networks described previously), a FTN specific area tag, and remote uplink address(s). This section can be thought of similar to the AREAS.BBS file used by other BBS packages (In fact you can import AREAS.BBS using oputil.js!)

When importing, messages will be placed in the local area that matches key under areas.


  • network (required): Associated network from the networks section
  • tag (required): FTN area tag
  • uplinks: An array of FTN address uplink(s) for this network


  messageNetworks: {
    ftn: {
      areas: {
        agoranet_bbs: { /* found within messageConferences */
          network: agoranet
          tag: AGN_BBS
          uplinks: "46:1/100"

BSO Import / Export

The scanner/tosser module ftn_bso provides Binkley Style Outbound (BSO) import/toss & scan/export of messages EchoMail and NetMail messages. Configuration is supplied in config.hjson under scannerTossers.ftn_bso.


  • defaultZone (required): Sets the default BSO outbound zone
  • defaultNetwork (optional): Sets the default network name from messageNetworks.ftn.networks. Required if more than one network is defined.
  • paths (optional): Override default paths set by the system. This section may contain outbound, inbound, and secInbound.
  • packetTargetByteSize (optional): Overrides the system target packet (.pkt) size of 512000 bytes (512k)
  • bundleTargetByteSize (optional): Overrides the system target ArcMail bundle size of 2048000 bytes (2M)
  • schedule (required): See Scheduling
  • nodes (required): See Nodes


The nodes section defines how to export messages for one or more uplinks.

A node entry starts with a FTN style address (up to 5D) as a key in config.hjson. This key may contain wildcard(s) for net/zone/node/point/domain.


  • packetType (optional): 2, 2.2, or 2+. Defaults to 2+ for modern mailer compatiability
  • packetPassword (optional): Password for the packet
  • encoding (optional): Encoding to use for message bodies; Defaults to utf-8
  • archiveType (optional): Specifies the archive type for ArcMail bundles. Must be a valid archiver name such as zip (See archiver configuration)


  scannerTossers: {
    ftn_bso: {
      nodes: {
        "46:*": {
          packetType: 2+
          packetPassword: mypass
          encoding: cp437
          archiveType: zip

TIC Support

ENiGMA½ supports TIC files. This is handled by mapping TIC areas to local file areas.

Under a given node (described above) TIC configuration may be supplied.



Schedules can be defined for importing and exporting via import and export under schedule. Each entry is allowed a "free form" text and/or special indicators for immediate export or watch file triggers.

  • @immediate: A message will be immediately exported if this trigger is defined in a schedule. Only used for export.
  • @watch:/path/to/file: This trigger watches the path specified for changes and will trigger an import or export when such events occur. Only used for import.
  • Free form text can be things like at 5:00 pm or every 2 hours.

See Later text parsing documentation for more information.


  scannerTossers: {
    ftn_bso: {
      schedule: {
        import: every 1 hours or @watch:/path/to/watchfile.ext
        export: every 1 hours or @immediate

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