2019-02-15 13:55:11 -07:00

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This document covers basic upgrade notes for major ENiGMA½ version updates.

Before Upgrading

  • Always back up your system!
  • Seriously, always back up your system!
  • At least back up the db directory and your menu.hjson (or renamed equivalent)

General Notes

Configuration File Updates

In general, look at the menu_template.in.hjson, and config_template.in.hjson as well as the defualt luciano_blocktronics/theme.hjson files when you update. These files may come with new sections you wish to merge into your system!


Upgrades often come with changes to the default menu_template.in.hjson. It is wise to use a different file name for your BBS's version of this file and point to it via config.hjson. For example:

general: {
	menuFile: my_bbs.hjson

After updating code, use a program such as DiffMerge to merge in updates to my_bbs.hjson from the shipping menu.hjson.


Any custom themes you have created may now be missing features as well. Take a look at the default luciano_blocktronics/theme.hjson file. You can use missing sections in your theme.hjson (which will generally correspond to sections you've also merged in to your menu.hjson).

Upgrading the Code

Upgrading from GitHub is easy:

cd /path/to/enigma-bbs
git pull
rm -rf npm_modules # do this any time you update Node.js itself
npm install


Report your issue on Xibalba BBS, hop in #enigma-bbs on Freenet and chat, or file a issue on GitHub.

0.0.8-alpha to 0.0.9-alpha

  • Development is now against Node.js 10.x LTS. Follow your standard upgrade path to update to Node 10.x before using 0.0.9-alpha!
  • The property justify found on various views previously had left and right values swapped (oops!); you will need to adjust any custom theme.hjson that use one or the other and swap them as well.
  • Possible breaking changes in FSE: The MCI code %TL13 for error indicator is now %TL4. This is part of a cleanup and standardization on "custom ranges". You may need to update your theme.hjson and related artwork.
  • Removed view width auto-size: Some views still can auto-size their height, but in general you should be explicit in your themes
  • More standardization using "custom ranges" and itemFormat / focusItemFormat semantics. Update your themes!
  • In addition to using itemFormat, the onelinerz module uses userName vs username (note the case) to match other modules
  • loginServers.webSocket configuration block has changed to be more consistent with other servers. Example:
webSocket: {
    ws: {
        enabled: true
    wss: {
        enabled: true
        port: 1234
    proxied: true	//	X-Forwarded-Proto: https support
  • The module export registerEvents has been deprecated. If you have a module that depends on this, use the new more generic moduleInitialize export instead.
  • The system.db user_event_log table has been updated to include a unique session ID. Previously this table was not used, but you will need to perform a slight maintenance task before it can be properly used. After updating to 0.0.9-alpha, please run the following: sqlite3 db/system.db DROP TABLE user_event_log;. The new table format will be created and used at startup.
  • If you have art configured for message conference or area selection via the art configuration value, you will need to include a show_art menu reference. Defaulted to changeMessageConfPreArt for conferences and changeMessageAreaPreArt for areas & included in the example menu.hjson.
  • Config defaults section was theme related and as such, has been renamed to theme. defaults.theme is now theme.default, and preLoginTheme is now theme.preLogin. See config.js if this isn't clear as mud.
  • Similar to the last item, defaults.general.passwordChar in theme.hjson is now just defaults.passwordChar.

0.0.7-alpha to 0.0.8-alpha

ENiGMA 0.0.8-alpha comes with some structure changes:

  • Configuration files are defaulted to ./config. Related, the --config option now points to a configuration directory
  • ./mods/art has been moved to ./art/general
  • ./mods is now reserved for actual user addon modules
  • Themes have been moved from ./mods/themes to ./art/themes

With the change to the ./mods directory, @systemModule is now implied for module declarations in menu.hjson. To use a user module in ./mods you must specify @userModule!

With the above changes, you'll need to to at least:

  • Move your ~/.config/enigma-bbs/config.hjson to ./config/config.hjson or utlize the --config option.
  • Move your prompt.hjson and menu.hjson (e.g. myboardname.hjson) to ./config
  • Move any non-theme art files, and theme directories to their appropriate locations mentioned above
  • Move any module directories such as message_post_evt to ./mods/
  • Move any certificates, pub/private keys, etc. from ./misc to ./config
  • Specify user modules as @userModule:my_module_name

0.0.6-alpha to 0.0.7-alpha

No issues

0.0.5-alpha to 0.0.6-alpha

No issues

0.0.4-alpha to 0.0.5-alpha

No issues

0.0.1-alpha to 0.0.4-alpha

Node.js 6.x+ LTS is now required

You will need to upgrade Node.js to 6.x+. If using nvm (you should be!) the process will go something like this:

nvm install 6
nvm alias default 6


Newly written code will use ES6 and a lot of code has started the migration process. Of note is the MenuModule class. If you have created a mod that inherits from MenuModule, you will need to upgrade your class to ES6.

Manual Database Upgrade

A few upgrades need to be made to your SQLite databases:

rm db/file.sqltie3 # safe to delete this time as it was not used previously
sqlite3 db/message.sqlite
sqlite> INSERT INTO message_fts(message_fts) VALUES('rebuild');

Archiver Changes

If you have overridden or made additions to archivers in your config.hjson you will need to update them. See Archive Configuration and core/config.js

File Base Configuration

As 0.0.4-alpha contains file bases, you'll want to create a suitable configuration if you wish to use the feature. See File Base Configuration.