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page Configuring a Message Area

Message Conferences

Message Conferences and Areas allow for grouping of message base topics.


Message Conferences are the top level container for 1:n Message Areas via the messageConferences block in config.hjson. A common setup may include a local conference and one or more conferences each dedicated to a particular message network such as fsxNet, ArakNet, etc.

Each conference is represented by a entry under messageConferences. Each entries top level key is it's conference tag.

Config Item Required Description
name 👍 Friendly conference name
desc 👍 Friendly conference description.
sort 👎 Set to a number to override the default alpha-numeric sort order based on the name field.
default 👎 Specify true to make this the default conference (e.g. assigned to new users)
areas 👍 Container of 1:n areas described below
acs 👎 A standard ACS block. See ACS below.


An optional standard ACS block can be supplied with the following rules:

  • read: ACS require to read (see) this conference. Defaults to GM[users].


  messageConferences: {
    local: { // conference tag
      name: Local
      desc: Local discussion
      sort: 1
      default: true
      acs: {
        read: GM[users] // default

Message Areas

Message Areas are topic specific containers for messages that live within a particular conference. The top level key for an area sets it's area tag. For example, "General Discussion" may live under a Local conference while an fsxNet conference may contain "BBS Discussion".

Config Item Required Description
name 👍 Friendly area name.
desc 👍 Friendly area description.
sort 👎 Set to a number to override the default alpha-numeric sort order based on the name field.
default 👎 Specify true to make this the default area (e.g. assigned to new users)
acs 👎 A standard ACS block. See ACS below.


An optional standard ACS block can be supplied with the following rules:

  • read: ACS require to read (see) this conference. Defaults to GM[users].


messageConferences: {
  local: {
    // ... see above ...
    areas: {
      enigma_dev: {                     // Area tag - required elsewhere!
        name: ENiGMA 1/2 Development   
        desc: ENiGMA 1/2 discussion!   
        sort: 1                        
        default: true
        acs: {
          read: GM[users] // default


FidoNet style .na files as well as legacy AREAS.BBS files in common formats can be imported using oputil.js mb import-areas. See The oputil CLI for more information and usage.