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page File Transfer Protocols

ENiGMA½ currently relies on external executable binaries for "legacy" file transfer protocols such as X, Y, and ZModem. Remember that ENiGMA½ also support modern web (HTTP/HTTPS) downloads!

File Transfer Protocols

File transfer protocols are managed via the fileTransferProtocols configuration block of config.hjson. Each entry defines an external protocol handler that can be used for uploads (recv), downloads (send), or both. Depending on the protocol and handler, batch receiving of files (uploads) may also be available.

Predefined File Transfer Protocols

Please see External Binaries for a table of built in / predefined protocol handlers. You will need to have the binaries in ENiGMA's PATH.


SEXYZ from Synchronet offers a nice X, Y, and ZModem implementation including ZModem-8k & works under *nix and Windows based systems. As of this writing, ENiGMA½ is pre-configured to support ZModem-8k, XModem, and YModem using SEXYZ. An x86_64 Linux binary, and hopefully more in the future, can be downloaded here.


ZModem-8k is configured using the standard Linux sz(1) and rz(1) binaries. Note that these binaries also support XModem and YModem, and as such adding the configurations to your system should be fairly straight forward.

Generally available as lrzsz under Apt or Yum type packaging.

File Transfer Protocol Configuration

The following top-level members are available to an external protocol configuration:

  • name: Required; Display name of the protocol
  • type: Required; Currently must be external. This will be expanded upon in the future with built in protocols.
  • sort: Optional; Sort key. If not provided, name will be used for sorting.

For protocols of type external the following members may be defined:

  • sendCmd: Required for protocols that can send (allow user downloads); The command/binary to execute.
  • sendArgs: Required if using sendCmd; An array of arguments. A placeholder of {fileListPath} may be used to supply a path to a file containing a list of files to send, or {filePaths} to supply 1:n individual file paths to send.
  • recvCmd: Required for protocols that can receive (allow user uploads); The command/binary to execute.
  • recvArgs: Required if using recvCmd and supporting batch uploads; An array of arguments. A placeholder of {uploadDir} may be used to supply the system provided upload directory. If {uploadDir} is not present, the system expects uploaded files to be placed in CWD which will be set to the upload directory.
  • recvArgsNonBatch: Required if using recvCmd and supporting non-batch (single file) uploads; A placeholder of {fileName} may be supplied to indicate to the protocol what the uploaded file should be named (this will be collected from the user before the upload starts).
  • escapeTelnet: Optional; If set to true, escape all internal Telnet related codes such as IAC's. This option is required for external protocol handlers such as sz and rz that do not escape themselves.

Adding Your Own

Take a look a the example below as well as core/config_default.js.

Example File Transfer Protocol Configuration

zmodem8kSexyz : {
    name		: 'ZModem 8k (SEXYZ)',
    type		: 'external',
    sort		: 1,
    external	: {
        sendCmd             : 'sexyz',
        sendArgs            : [ '-telnet', '-8', 'sz', '@{fileListPath}' ],
        recvCmd             : 'sexyz',
        recvArgs            : [ '-telnet', '-8', 'rz', '{uploadDir}' ],
        recvArgsNonBatch    : [ '-telnet', '-8', 'rz', '{fileName}' ],