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Message Conferences & Areas

Message Conferences and Areas allow for grouping of message base topics.

Message Conferences

Message Conferences are the top level container for 1:n Message Areas via the messageConferences section in config.hjson. Common message conferences may include a local conference and one or more conferences each dedicated to a particular message network such as FidoNet, AgoraNet, etc.

Each conference is represented by a entry under messageConferences. The areas key is the conferences tag.


  • name (required): Friendly conference name
  • desc (required): Friendly conference description
  • sort (optional): If supplied, provides a key used for sorting
  • default (optional): Specify true to make this the default conference (e.g. assigned to new users)
  • areas: Container of 1:n areas described below


  messageConferences: {
    local: {
      name: Local
      desc: Local discussion
      sort: 1
      default: true

Message Areas

Message Areas are topic specific containers for messages that live within a particular conference. The areas key is it's areas tag. For example, "General Discussion" may live under a Local conference while an AgoraNet conference may contain "BBS Discussion".


  • name (required): Friendly area name
  • desc (required): Friendly area discription
  • sort (optional): If supplied, provides a key used for sorting
  • default (optional): Specify true to make this the default area (e.g. assigned to new users)


messageConferences: {
  local: {
    // ... see above ...
    areas: {
      local_enigma_dev: {
        name: ENiGMA 1/2 Development
        desc: Discussion related to features and development of ENiGMA 1/2!
        sort: 1
        default: true

Message Networks

ENiGMA½ has the ability to network with other systems via Message Networks. Message area tags (described above) are utilized to map foreign areas with locally defined areas.