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title: General Art Information
## General Art Information
One of the most basic elements of BBS customization is through it's artwork. ENiGMA½ supports a variety of ways to select, display, and manage art.
As a general rule, art files live in one of two places:
1. The `art/general` directory. This is where you place command non-themed art files.
2. Within a theme such as `art/themes/super_fancy_theme`.
### Menu Entries
While art can be displayed programmatically such as from a custom module, the most basic and common form is via `menu.hjson` entries. This usually falls into one of two forms: a "standard" entry where a single `art` spec is utilized or a entry for a custom module where multiple pieces are declared and used. The second style usually takes the form of a `config.art` block with two or more entries.
A menu entry has a few elements that control how art is choosen and displayed. First, the `art` *spec* tells teh system how to look for the art asset. Second, the `config` block can further control aspecs of lookup and display:
| Item | Description|
| `font` | Sets the [SyncTERM](http://syncterm.bbsdev.net/) style font to use when displaying this art. If unset, the system will use the art's embedded [SAUCE](http://www.acid.org/info/sauce/sauce.htm) record if present or simply use the current font. See Fonts below. |
| `pause` | If set to `true`, pause after displaying. |
| `baudRate` | Set a [SyncTERM](http://syncterm.bbsdev.net/) style emulated baud rate when displaying this art. In other words, slow down the display. |
| `cls` | Clear the screen before display if set to `true`. |
| `random` | Set to `false` to explicitly disable random lookup. |
| `types` | An optional array of types (aka file extensions) to consider for lookup. For example : `[ '.ans', '.asc' ]` |
| `readSauce` | May be set to `false` if you need to explictly disable SAUCE support. |
#### Art Spec
It was mentioned that the `art` member is a *spec*. The value of a `art` member controls how the system looks for an asset. The following forms are supported:
* `FOO`: The system will look for `FOO.ANS`, `FOO.ASC`, `FOO.TXT`, etc. using the default search path. Unless otherwise specified if `FOO1.ANS`, `FOO2.ANS`, and so on exist, a random selection will be made.
* `FOO.ANS`: By specifying an extension, only that type will be searched for.
* `rel/path/to/BAR.ANS`: Only match a path (relative to the system's `art` directory).
* `/path/to/BAZ.ANS`: Exact path only.
ENiGMA½ uses a fallback system for art selection. When a menu entry calls for a piece of art, the following search is made:
1. If a direct or relative path is supplied, look there first.
2. In the users current theme directory.
3. In the system default theme directory.
4. In the `art/general` directory.
#### SyncTERM Style Fonts
ENiGMA½ can set a [SyncTERM](http://syncterm.bbsdev.net/) style font for art display. This is supported by many popular BBS terminals besides just SyncTERM and is common for displaying Amiga style fonts for example. The system will use the `font` specifier or look for a font declared in an artworks SAUCE record (unless `readSauce` is `false`).
The most common fonts are probably as follows:
* `cp437`
* `c64_upper`
* `c64_lower`
* `c128_upper`
* `c128_lower`
* `atari`
* `pot_noodle`
* `mo_soul`
* `microknight_plus`
* `topaz_plus`
* `microknight`
* `topaz`
Other fonts fonts also available:
* `cp1251`
* `koi8_r`
* `iso8859_2`
* `iso8859_4`
* `cp866`
* `iso8859_9`
* `haik8`
* `iso8859_8`
* `koi8_u`
* `iso8859_15`
* `iso8859_4`
* `koi8_r_b`
* `iso8859_4`
* `iso8859_5`
* `iso8859_15`
* `cp850`
* `cp850`
* `cp885`
* `cp1251`
* `iso8859_7`
* `koi8-r_c`
* `iso8859_4`
* `iso8859_1`
* `cp866`
* `cp437`
* `cp866`
* `cp885`
* `cp866_u`
* `iso8859_1`
* `cp1131`
See [this specification](https://github.com/protomouse/synchronet/blob/master/src/conio/cterm.txt) for more information.
#### SyncTERM Style Baud Rates
The `baudRate` member can set a [SyncTERM](http://syncterm.bbsdev.net/) style emulated baud rate. May be `300`, `600`, `1200`, `2400`, `4800`, `9600`, `19200`, `38400`, `57600`, `76800`, or `115200`. A value of `ulimited`, `off`, or `0` resets (disables) the rate. See [this specification](https://github.com/protomouse/synchronet/blob/master/src/conio/cterm.txt) for more information.
## Common Example
fullLogoffSequenceRandomBoardAd: {
desc: Logging Off
next: logoff
config: {
baudRate: 57600
pause: true
cls: true