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layout title
page File Area List

The File Area List Module

The built in file_area_list module provides a very flexible file listing UI.


Config Block

Available config block entries:

  • art: Sub-configuration block used to establish art files used for file browsing:
    • browse: The main browse screen.
    • details: The main file details screen.
    • detailsGeneral: The "general" tab of the details page.
    • detailsNfo: The "NFO" viewer tab of the detials page.
    • detailsFileList: The file listing tab of the details page (ie: used for listing archive contents).
    • help: The help page.
  • hashTagsSep: Separator for hash entries. Defaults to ", ".
  • isQueuedIndicator: Indicator for items that are in the users download queue. Defaults to "Y".
  • isNotQueuedIndicator: Indicator for items that are not in the users download queue. Defaults to "N".
  • userRatingTicked: Indicator for a items current n/5 "star" rating. Defaults to "*". userRatingTicked and userRatingUnticked are combined to build strings such as "***--" for 3/5 rating.
  • userRatingUnticked: Indicator for missing "stars" in a items n/5 rating. Defaults to "-". userRatingTicked and userRatingUnticked are combined to build strings such as "***--" for 3/5 rating.
  • webDlExpireTimeFormat: Presents the expiration time of a web download URL. Defaults to current theme → system short date/time format.
  • webDlLinkNeedsGenerated: Text to present when no web download link is yet generated. Defaults to "Not yet generated".
  • webDlLinkNoWebserver: Text to present when no web download is available (ie: webserver not enabled). Defaults to "Web server is not enabled".
  • notAnArchiveFormat: Presents text for the "archive type" field for non-archives. Defaults to "Not an archive".
  • uploadTimestampFormat: Timestamp format for xxxxxxInfoFormat##. Defaults to current theme → system short date format. See also Custom Info Formats below.

Remember that entries such as isQueuedIndicator and userRatingTicked may contain pipe color codes!

Custom Info Formats

Additional config block entries can set xxxxxxInfoFormat## formatting (where xxxxxx is the page name and ## is 10...99 such as browseInfoFormat10) for the various available pages:

  • browseInfoFormat## for the browse page. See Browse Page below.
  • detailsInfoFormat## for the details page. See Details Page below.
  • detailsGeneralInfoFormat## for the detailsGeneral tab. See Details Page - General Tab below.
  • detailsNfoInfoFormat## for the detialsNfo tab. See Details Page - NFO/README Viewer Tab below.
  • detailsFileListInfoFormat## for the detailsFileList tab. See Details Page - Archive/File Listing Tab below.


Browse Page

The browse page uses the browse art described above. The following MCI codes are available:

  • MCI 1 (ie: %MT1): File's short description (user entered, FILE_ID.DIZ, etc.).
  • MCI 2 (ie: %HM2): Navigation menu.
  • MCI 10...99: Custom entires with the following format members:
    • {fileId}: File identifier.
    • {fileName}: File name (long).
    • {desc}: File short description (user entered, FILE_ID.DIZ, etc.).
    • {descLong}: File's long description (README.TXT, SOMEGROUP.NFO, etc.).
    • {uploadByUserName}: User name of user that uploaded this file, or "N/A".
    • {uploadByUserId}: User ID of user that uploaded this file, or "N/A".
    • {userRating}: User rating of file as a number.
    • {userRatingString}: User rating of this file as a string formatted with userRatingTicked and userRatingUnticked described above.
    • {areaTag}: Area tag.
    • {areaName}: Area name or "N/A".
    • {areaDesc}: Area description or "N/A".
    • {fileSha256}: File's SHA-256 value in hex.
    • {fileMd5}: File's MD5 value in hex.
    • {fileSha1}: File's SHA1 value in hex.
    • {fileCrc32}: File's CRC-32 value in hex.
    • {estReleaseYear}: Estimated release year of this file.
    • {dlCount}: Number of times this file has been downloaded.
    • {byteSize}: Size of this file in bytes.
    • {archiveType}: Archive type of this file determined by system mappings, or "N/A".
    • {archiveTypeDesc}: A more descriptive archive type based on system mappings, file extention, etc. or "N/A" if it cannot be determined.
    • {shortFileName}: Short DOS style 8.3 name available for some scenarios such as TIC import, or "N/A".
    • {ticOrigin}: Origin from TIC imported files "Origin" field, or "N/A".
    • {ticDesc}: Description from TIC imported files "Desc" field, or "N/A".
    • {ticLDesc}: Long description from TIC imported files "LDesc" field joined by a line feed, or "N/A".
    • {uploadTimestamp}: Upload timestamp formatted with browseUploadTimestampFormat.
    • {hashTags}: A string of hash tags(s) separated by hashTagsSep described above. "(none)" if there are no tags.
    • {isQueued}: Indicates if a item is currently in the user's download queue presented as isQueuedIndicator or isNotQueuedIndicator described above.
    • {webDlLink}: Web download link if generated else webDlLinkNeedsGenerated or webDlLinkNoWebserver described above.
    • {webDlExpire}: Web download link expiration using webDlExpireTimeFormat described above.

Details Page

The details page uses the details art described above. The following MCI codes are available:

  • MCI 1 (ie: %HM1): Navigation menu
  • %XY2: Info area's top X,Y position.
  • %XY3: Info area's bottom X,Y position.
  • MCI 10...99: Custom entries with the format options described above in Browse Page via the detailsInfoFormat## config block entry.

Details Page - General Tab

The details page general tab uses the detailsGeneral art described above. The following MCI codes are available:

  • MCI 10...99: Custom entries with the format options described above in Browse Page via the detailsGeneralInfoFormat## config block entry.

Details Page - NFO/README Viewer Tab

The details page nfo tab uses the detailsNfo art described above. The following MCI codes are available:

  • MCI 1 (ie: %MT1): NFO/README viewer using the entries longDesc.
  • MCI 10...99: Custom entries with the format options described above in Browse Page via the detailsNfoInfoFormat## config block entry.

Details Page - Archive/File Listing Tab

The details page file list tab uses the detailsFileList art described above. The following MCI codes are available:

  • MCI 1 (ie: %VM1): List of entries in archive. Entries are formatted using the standard itemFormat and focusItemFormat properties of the view and have all of the format options described above in Browse Page.
  • MCI 10...99: Custom entries with the format options described above in Browse Page via the detailsFileListInfoFormat## config block entry.