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page Telnet Bridge

Telnet Bridge

The telnet_bridge module allows "bridged" Telnet connections from your board to other Telnet services (such as other BBSes!).


Config Block

Available config entries:

  • host: Hostname or IP address to connect to.
  • port: Port to connect to. Defaults to the standard Telnet port of 23.
  • font: A SyncTERM style font. Useful for example if you would like to connect form a "DOS" style BBS to an Amiga. See the general art documentation on SyncTERM Style Fonts.


Below is an example menu.hjson entry that would connect to Xibalba:

    telnetBridgeXibalba: {
        desc: Xibalba BBS
        module: telnet_bridge
        config: {
            host: xibalba.l33t.codes
            port: 45510

Using Extra Args

The telnet_bridge module can also accept standard extraArgs of the same configuration arguments described above. This can be illustrated with an example:

telnetBridgeMenu: {
    desc: Telnet Bridge
    art: telnet_bridge
    config: {
        font: cp437
    form: {
        0: {
            mci: {
                VM1: {
                    argName: selection

                    items: [
                            board: BLACK Flag
                            soft: Mystic
                            data: bf
                            board: Xibalba
                            soft: ENiGMA½
                            data: xib

                    //  sort by 'board' fields above
                    sort: board
                    submit: true

            submit: {
                *: [
                        value: { "selection" : "bf" }
                        action: @menu:telnetBridgeFromExtraFlags
                        extraArgs: {
                            host: blackflag.acid.org
                        value: { "selection" : "xib" }
                        action: @menu:telnetBridgeFromExtraFlags
                        extraArgs: {
                            host: xibalba.l33t.codes
                            port: 44510

telnetBridgeFromExtraFlags: {
    desc: Telnet Bridge
    module: telnet_bridge

Here we've created a lightbar menu with custom items in which we'd use itemFormat's with in a theme. When the user selects an item, the telnetBridgeFromExtraFlags menu is instantiated using the supplied extraArgs.