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page Manual Installation

For Linux environments it's recommended you run the install script. If you like to do things manually, read on...


  • Node.js version v6.x or higher

    • It is highly recommended to use nvm to manage your Node.js installation if you're on a Linux/Unix environment.
  • Python 2.7.x for compiling Node.js packages with native extensions.

  • A compiler such as Clang or GCC for Linux/UNIX systems or a recent copy of Visual Studio (Visual Studio Express editions are OK) for Windows users. Note that you should only need the Visual C++ component.

  • git to check out the ENiGMA source code.


If you're new to Node.js and/or do not care about Node itself and just want to get ENiGMA½ running these steps should get you going on most *nix type environments:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.0/install.sh | bash
nvm install 6
nvm use 6

If the above completed without errors, you should now have nvm, node, and npm installed and in your environment.

For Windows nvm-like systems exist (nvm-windows, ...) or just download the installer.


git clone https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs.git

Install Node Packages

cd enigma-bbs
npm install

ENiGMA BBS makes use of a few packages for unarchiving and modem support. They're not pre-requisites for running ENiGMA, but without them you'll miss certain functionality. Once installed, they should be made available on your system path.

Package Description Ubuntu Package CentOS Package Name Windows Package
arj Unpacking arj archives arj n/a, binaries here ARJ
7zip Unpacking zip, rar, archives p7zip-full p7zip-full 7-zip
lha Unpacking lha archives lhasa n/a, source here Unknown
Rar Unpacking rar archives unrar n/a, binaries here Unknown
lrzsz sz/rz: X/Y/Z modem support lrzsz lrzsz Unknown
sexyz SexyZ modem support sexyz sexyz Available with Synchronet
  - exiftool & other external tools

Config Files

You'll need a basic configuration to get started. The main system configuration is handled via config/config.hjson. This is an HJSON file (compiliant JSON is also OK). See Configuration for more information.

Use oputil.js to generate your initial configuration:

./oputil.js config new

Follow the prompts!