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page SSH Server

Generate a SSH Private Key

To utilize the SSH server, an SSH Private Key will need generated. From the ENiGMA installation directory:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ./config/ssh_private_key.pem 2048

You then need to enable the SSH server in your config.hjson:

	loginServers: {
		ssh: {
            enabled: true
		    port: 8889
		    privateKeyPem: /path/to/ssh_private_key.pem
            privateKeyPass: YOUR_PK_PASS

SSH Server Options

Option Description
privateKeyPem Path to private key file.
privateKeyPass Password to private key file.
firstMenu First menu an SSH connected user is presented with.
firstMenuNewUser Menu presented to user when logging in with users::newUserNames in your config.hjson (defaults to new and apply).
enabled Enable/disable SSH server.
port Configure a custom port for the SSH server.
algorithms Configuration block for SSH algoritms. Includes arrays with keys of kex, cipher, hmac, and compress. See the algorithms section in the ssh2-streams documentation for details. For defaults set by ENiGMA½, see core/config.js.
traceConnections Set to true to enable full trace-level information on SSH connections.