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Admin API

Authentication is required and the user must be an admin.

Configuration options:

  • [:auth, :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage] — OAuth admin scope requirement toggle. If true, admin actions explicitly demand admin OAuth scope(s) presence in OAuth token (client app must support admin scopes). If false and token doesn't have admin scope(s), is_admin user flag grants access to admin-specific actions. Note that client app needs to explicitly support admin scopes and request them when obtaining auth token.

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users

List users

  • Query Params:
    • optional query: string search term (e.g. nickname, domain, nickname@domain)
    • optional filters: string comma-separated string of filters:
      • local: only local users
      • external: only external users
      • active: only active users
      • need_approval: only unapproved users
      • deactivated: only deactivated users
      • is_admin: users with admin role
      • is_moderator: users with moderator role
    • optional page: integer page number
    • optional page_size: integer number of users per page (default is 50)
    • optional tags: [string] tags list
    • optional name: string user display name
    • optional email: string user email
  • Example: https://mypleroma.org/api/pleroma/admin/users?query=john&filters=local,active&page=1&page_size=10&tags[]=some_tag&tags[]=another_tag&name=display_name&email=email@example.com
  • Response:
  "page_size": integer,
  "count": integer,
  "users": [
      "deactivated": bool,
      "id": integer,
      "nickname": string,
      "roles": {
        "admin": bool,
        "moderator": bool
      "local": bool,
      "tags": array,
      "avatar": string,
      "display_name": string,
      "confirmation_pending": bool,
      "approval_pending": bool,
      "registration_reason": string,

DEPRECATED DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/users

Remove a user

  • Params:
    • nickname
  • Response: Users nickname

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/users

Remove a user

  • Params:
    • nicknames
  • Response: Array of user nicknames

Create a user

  • Method: POST
  • Params: users: [ { nickname, email, password } ]
  • Response: Users nickname

POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/follow

Make a user follow another user

  • Params:
    • follower: The nickname of the follower
    • followed: The nickname of the followed
  • Response:
    • "ok"

POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/unfollow

Make a user unfollow another user

  • Params:
    • follower: The nickname of the follower
    • followed: The nickname of the followed
  • Response:
    • "ok"

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/toggle_activation

Toggle user activation

  • Params:
    • nickname
  • Response: Users object
  "deactivated": bool,
  "id": integer,
  "nickname": string

PUT /api/pleroma/admin/users/tag

Tag a list of users

  • Params:
    • nicknames (array)
    • tags (array)

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/users/tag

Untag a list of users

  • Params:
    • nicknames (array)
    • tags (array)

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/permission_group

Get user user permission groups membership

  • Params: none
  • Response:
  "is_moderator": bool,
  "is_admin": bool

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/permission_group/:permission_group

Note: Available :permission_group is currently moderator and admin. 404 is returned when the permission group doesnt exist.

Get user user permission groups membership per permission group

  • Params: none
  • Response:
  "is_moderator": bool,
  "is_admin": bool

DEPRECATED POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/permission_group/:permission_group

Add user to permission group

  • Params: none
  • Response:
    • On failure: {"error": "…"}
    • On success: JSON of the user

POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/:permission_group

Add users to permission group

  • Params:
    • nicknames: nicknames array
  • Response:
    • On failure: {"error": "…"}
    • On success: JSON of the user

DEPRECATED DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/permission_group/:permission_group

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/permission_group/:permission_group

Remove user from permission group

  • Params: none
  • Response:
    • On failure: {"error": "…"}
    • On success: JSON of the user
  • Note: An admin cannot revoke their own admin status.

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/:permission_group

Remove users from permission group

  • Params:
    • nicknames: nicknames array
  • Response:
    • On failure: {"error": "…"}
    • On success: JSON of the user
  • Note: An admin cannot revoke their own admin status.

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/activate

Activate user

  • Params:
    • nicknames: nicknames array
  • Response:
  users: [
      // user object

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/deactivate

Deactivate user

  • Params:
    • nicknames: nicknames array
  • Response:
  users: [
      // user object

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/approve

Approve user

  • Params:
    • nicknames: nicknames array
  • Response:
  users: [
      // user object

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname_or_id

Retrive the details of a user

  • Params:
    • nickname or id
  • Response:
    • On failure: Not found
    • On success: JSON of the user

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname_or_id/statuses

Retrive user's latest statuses

  • Params:
    • nickname or id
    • optional page_size: number of statuses to return (default is 20)
    • optional godmode: true/false allows to see private statuses
    • optional with_reblogs: true/false allows to see reblogs (default is false)
  • Response:
    • On failure: Not found
    • On success: JSON array of user's latest statuses

GET /api/pleroma/admin/instances/:instance/statuses

Retrive instance's latest statuses

  • Params:
    • instance: instance name
    • optional page_size: number of statuses to return (default is 20)
    • optional godmode: true/false allows to see private statuses
    • optional with_reblogs: true/false allows to see reblogs (default is false)
  • Response:
    • On failure: Not found
    • On success: JSON array of instance's latest statuses

GET /api/pleroma/admin/statuses

Retrives all latest statuses

  • Params:
    • optional page_size: number of statuses to return (default is 20)
    • optional local_only: excludes remote statuses
    • optional godmode: true/false allows to see private statuses
    • optional with_reblogs: true/false allows to see reblogs (default is false)
  • Response:
    • On failure: Not found
    • On success: JSON array of user's latest statuses

POST /api/pleroma/admin/relay

Follow a Relay

  • Params:
    • relay_url
  • Response:
    • On success: URL of the followed relay

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/relay

Unfollow a Relay

  • Params:
    • relay_url
  • Response:
    • On success: URL of the unfollowed relay

GET /api/pleroma/admin/relay

List Relays

  • Params: none
  • Response:
    • On success: JSON array of relays

POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/invite_token

Create an account registration invite token

  • Params:
    • optional max_use (integer)
    • optional expires_at (date string e.g. "2019-04-07")
  • Response:
  "id": integer,
  "token": string,
  "used": boolean,
  "expires_at": date,
  "uses": integer,
  "max_use": integer,
  "invite_type": string (possible values: `one_time`, `reusable`, `date_limited`, `reusable_date_limited`)

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/invites

Get a list of generated invites

  • Params: none
  • Response:

  "invites": [
      "id": integer,
      "token": string,
      "used": boolean,
      "expires_at": date,
      "uses": integer,
      "max_use": integer,
      "invite_type": string (possible values: `one_time`, `reusable`, `date_limited`, `reusable_date_limited`)

POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/revoke_invite

Revoke invite by token

  • Params:
    • token
  • Response:
  "id": integer,
  "token": string,
  "used": boolean,
  "expires_at": date,
  "uses": integer,
  "max_use": integer,
  "invite_type": string (possible values: `one_time`, `reusable`, `date_limited`, `reusable_date_limited`)


POST /api/pleroma/admin/users/email_invite

Sends registration invite via email

  • Params:

    • email
    • name, optional
  • Response:

    • On success: 204, empty response

    • On failure:

      • 400 Bad Request, JSON:
            "error": "Appropriate error message here"

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/password_reset

Get a password reset token for a given nickname

  • Params: none
  • Response:
  "token": "base64 reset token",
  "link": "https://pleroma.social/api/pleroma/password_reset/url-encoded-base64-token"

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/force_password_reset

Force passord reset for a user with a given nickname

  • Params:
    • nicknames
  • Response: none (code 204)

PUT /api/pleroma/admin/users/disable_mfa

Disable mfa for user's account.

  • Params:
    • nickname
  • Response: Users nickname

GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/credentials

  • Params:

    • nickname
  • Response:

  "actor_type": "Person",
  "allow_following_move": true,
  "avatar": "https://pleroma.social/media/7e8e7508fd545ef580549b6881d80ec0ff2c81ed9ad37b9bdbbdf0e0d030159d.jpg",
  "background": "https://pleroma.social/media/4de34c0bd10970d02cbdef8972bef0ebbf55f43cadc449554d4396156162fe9a.jpg",
  "banner": "https://pleroma.social/media/8d92ba2bd244b613520abf557dd448adcd30f5587022813ee9dd068945986946.jpg",
  "bio": "bio",
  "default_scope": "public",
  "discoverable": false,
  "email": "user@example.com",
  "fields": [
      "name": "example",
      "value": "<a href=\"https://example.com\" rel=\"ugc\">https://example.com</a>"
  "hide_favorites": false,
  "hide_followers": false,
  "hide_followers_count": false,
  "hide_follows": false,
  "hide_follows_count": false,
  "id": "9oouHaEEUR54hls968",
  "locked": true,
  "name": "user",
  "no_rich_text": true,
  "pleroma_settings_store": {},
  "raw_fields": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "example",
      "value": "https://example.com"
  "show_role": true,
  "skip_thread_containment": false

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/credentials

  • Params:

    • email
    • password
    • name
    • bio
    • avatar
    • locked
    • no_rich_text
    • default_scope
    • banner
    • hide_follows
    • hide_followers
    • hide_followers_count
    • hide_follows_count
    • hide_favorites
    • allow_following_move
    • background
    • show_role
    • skip_thread_containment
    • fields
    • discoverable
    • actor_type
  • Responses:

Status: 200

{"status": "success"}

Status: 400

  {"actor_type": "is invalid"},
  {"email": "has invalid format"},

Status: 404

{"error": "Not found"}

GET /api/pleroma/admin/reports

Get a list of reports

  • Params:
    • optional state: string the state of reports. Valid values are open, closed and resolved
    • optional limit: integer the number of records to retrieve
    • optional page: integer page number
    • optional page_size: integer number of log entries per page (default is 50)
  • Response:
    • On failure: 403 Forbidden error {"error": "error_msg"} when requested by anonymous or non-admin
    • On success: JSON, returns a list of reports, where:
      • account: the user who has been reported
      • actor: the user who has sent the report
      • statuses: list of statuses that have been included to the report
  "total" : 1,
  "reports": [
      "account": {
        "acct": "user",
        "avatar": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/avi.png",
        "avatar_static": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/avi.png",
        "bot": false,
        "created_at": "2019-04-23T17:32:04.000Z",
        "display_name": "User",
        "emojis": [],
        "fields": [],
        "followers_count": 1,
        "following_count": 1,
        "header": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/banner.png",
        "header_static": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/banner.png",
        "id": "9i6dAJqSGSKMzLG2Lo",
        "locked": false,
        "note": "",
        "pleroma": {
          "confirmation_pending": false,
          "hide_favorites": true,
          "hide_followers": false,
          "hide_follows": false,
          "is_admin": false,
          "is_moderator": false,
          "relationship": {},
          "tags": []
        "source": {
          "note": "",
          "pleroma": {},
          "sensitive": false
        "tags": ["force_unlisted"],
        "statuses_count": 3,
        "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/users/user",
        "username": "user"
      "actor": {
        "acct": "lain",
        "avatar": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/avi.png",
        "avatar_static": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/avi.png",
        "bot": false,
        "created_at": "2019-03-28T17:36:03.000Z",
        "display_name": "Roger Braun",
        "emojis": [],
        "fields": [],
        "followers_count": 1,
        "following_count": 1,
        "header": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/banner.png",
        "header_static": "https://pleroma.example.org/images/banner.png",
        "id": "9hEkA5JsvAdlSrocam",
        "locked": false,
        "note": "",
        "pleroma": {
          "confirmation_pending": false,
          "hide_favorites": false,
          "hide_followers": false,
          "hide_follows": false,
          "is_admin": false,
          "is_moderator": false,
          "relationship": {},
          "tags": []
        "source": {
          "note": "",
          "pleroma": {},
          "sensitive": false
        "tags": ["force_unlisted"],
        "statuses_count": 1,
        "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/users/lain",
        "username": "lain"
      "content": "Please delete it",
      "created_at": "2019-04-29T19:48:15.000Z",
      "id": "9iJGOv1j8hxuw19bcm",
      "state": "open",
      "statuses": [
          "account": { ... },
          "application": {
            "name": "Web",
            "website": null
          "bookmarked": false,
          "card": null,
          "content": "<span class=\"h-card\"><a data-user=\"9hEkA5JsvAdlSrocam\" class=\"u-url mention\" href=\"https://pleroma.example.org/users/lain\">@<span>lain</span></a></span> click on my link <a href=\"https://www.google.com/\">https://www.google.com/</a>",
          "created_at": "2019-04-23T19:15:47.000Z",
          "emojis": [],
          "favourited": false,
          "favourites_count": 0,
          "id": "9i6mQ9uVrrOmOime8m",
          "in_reply_to_account_id": null,
          "in_reply_to_id": null,
          "language": null,
          "media_attachments": [],
          "mentions": [
              "acct": "lain",
              "id": "9hEkA5JsvAdlSrocam",
              "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/users/lain",
              "username": "lain"
              "acct": "user",
              "id": "9i6dAJqSGSKMzLG2Lo",
              "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/users/user",
              "username": "user"
          "muted": false,
          "pinned": false,
          "pleroma": {
            "content": {
              "text/plain": "@lain click on my link https://www.google.com/"
            "conversation_id": 28,
            "in_reply_to_account_acct": null,
            "local": true,
            "spoiler_text": {
              "text/plain": ""
          "reblog": null,
          "reblogged": false,
          "reblogs_count": 0,
          "replies_count": 0,
          "sensitive": false,
          "spoiler_text": "",
          "tags": [],
          "uri": "https://pleroma.example.org/objects/8717b90f-8e09-4b58-97b0-e3305472b396",
          "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/notice/9i6mQ9uVrrOmOime8m",
          "visibility": "direct"

GET /api/pleroma/admin/grouped_reports

Get a list of reports, grouped by status

  • Params: none
  • On success: JSON, returns a list of reports, where:
    • date: date of the latest report
    • account: the user who has been reported (see /api/pleroma/admin/reports for reference)
    • status: reported status (see /api/pleroma/admin/reports for reference)
    • actors: users who had reported this status (see /api/pleroma/admin/reports for reference)
    • reports: reports (see /api/pleroma/admin/reports for reference)
  "reports": [
      "date": "2019-10-07T12:31:39.615149Z",
      "account": { ... },
      "status": { ... },
      "actors": [{ ... }, { ... }],
      "reports": [{ ... }]

GET /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id

Get an individual report

  • Params:
    • id
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 403 Forbidden {"error": "error_msg"}
      • 404 Not Found "Not found"
    • On success: JSON, Report object (see above)

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/reports

Change the state of one or multiple reports

  • Params:
  `reports`: [
      `id`, // required, report id
      `state` // required, the new state. Valid values are `open`, `closed` and `resolved`
  • Response:
    • On failure:

      • 400 Bad Request, JSON:
            `id`, // report id
            `error` // error message
    • On success: 204, empty response

POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notes

Create report note

  • Params:
    • id: required, report id
    • content: required, the message
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 400 Bad Request "Invalid parameters" when status is missing
    • On success: 204, empty response

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:report_id/notes/:id

Delete report note

  • Params:
    • report_id: required, report id
    • id: required, note id
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 400 Bad Request "Invalid parameters" when status is missing
    • On success: 204, empty response

GET /api/pleroma/admin/statuses/:id

Show status by id

  • Params:
    • id: required, status id
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 404 Not Found "Not Found"
    • On success: JSON, Mastodon Status entity

PUT /api/pleroma/admin/statuses/:id

Change the scope of an individual reported status

  • Params:
    • id
    • sensitive: optional, valid values are true or false
    • visibility: optional, valid values are public, private and unlisted
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 400 Bad Request "Unsupported visibility"
      • 403 Forbidden {"error": "error_msg"}
      • 404 Not Found "Not found"
    • On success: JSON, Mastodon Status entity

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/statuses/:id

Delete an individual reported status

  • Params:
    • id
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 403 Forbidden {"error": "error_msg"}
      • 404 Not Found "Not found"
    • On success: 200 OK {}

GET /api/pleroma/admin/restart

Restarts pleroma application

Only works when configuration from database is enabled.

  • Params: none
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 400 Bad Request "To use this endpoint you need to enable configuration from database."

GET /api/pleroma/admin/need_reboot

Returns the flag whether the pleroma should be restarted

  • Params: none
  • Response:
    • need_reboot - boolean
  "need_reboot": false

GET /api/pleroma/admin/config

Get list of merged default settings with saved in database.

If need_reboot is true, instance must be restarted, so reboot time settings can take effect.

Only works when configuration from database is enabled.

  • Params:
    • only_db: true (optional, get only saved in database settings)
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 400 Bad Request "To use this endpoint you need to enable configuration from database."
  "configs": [
      "group": ":pleroma",
      "key": "Pleroma.Upload",
      "value": []
  "need_reboot": true

POST /api/pleroma/admin/config

Update config settings

If need_reboot is true, instance must be restarted, so reboot time settings can take effect.

Only works when configuration from database is enabled.

Some modifications are necessary to save the config settings correctly:

  • strings which start with Pleroma., Phoenix., Tesla. or strings like Oban, Ueberauth will be converted to modules;
"Pleroma.Upload" -> Pleroma.Upload
"Oban" -> Oban
  • strings starting with : will be converted to atoms;
":pleroma" -> :pleroma
  • objects with tuple key and array value will be converted to tuples;
{"tuple": ["string", "Pleroma.Upload", []]} -> {"string", Pleroma.Upload, []}
  • arrays with tuple objects will be converted to keywords;
[{"tuple": [":key1", "value"]}, {"tuple": [":key2", "value"]}] -> [key1: "value", key2: "value"]

Most of the settings will be applied in runtime, this means that you don't need to restart the instance. But some settings are applied in compile time and require a reboot of the instance, such as:

  • all settings inside these keys:

    • :hackney_pools
    • :connections_pool
    • :pools
    • :chat
  • partially settings inside these keys:

    • :seconds_valid in Pleroma.Captcha
    • :proxy_remote in Pleroma.Upload
    • :upload_limit in :instance
  • Params:

    • configs - array of config objects
    • config object params:
      • group - string (required)
      • key - string (required)
      • value - string, [], {} or {"tuple": []} (required)
      • delete - true (optional, if setting must be deleted)
      • subkeys - array of strings (optional, only works when delete=true parameter is passed, otherwise will be ignored)

When a value have several nested settings, you can delete only some nested settings by passing a parameter subkeys, without deleting all settings by key.

[subkey: val1, subkey2: val2, subkey3: val3] \\ initial value
{"group": ":pleroma", "key": "some_key", "delete": true, "subkeys": [":subkey", ":subkey3"]} \\ passing json for deletion
[subkey2: val2] \\ value after deletion

Most of the settings can be partially updated through merge old values with new values, except settings value of which is list or is not keyword.

Example of setting without keyword in value:

config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Hackney

List of settings which support only full update by key:

@full_key_update [
    {:pleroma, :ecto_repos},
    {:quack, :meta},
    {:mime, :types},
    {:cors_plug, [:max_age, :methods, :expose, :headers]},
    {:auto_linker, :opts},
    {:swarm, :node_blacklist},
    {:logger, :backends}

List of settings which support only full update by subkey:

@full_subkey_update [
    {:pleroma, :assets, :mascots},
    {:pleroma, :emoji, :groups},
    {:pleroma, :workers, :retries},
    {:pleroma, :mrf_subchain, :match_actor},
    {:pleroma, :mrf_keyword, :replace}

Settings without explicit key must be sended in separate config object params.

config :quack,
  level: :debug,
  meta: [:all],
  "configs": [
    {"group": ":quack", "key": ":level", "value": ":debug"},
    {"group": ":quack", "key": ":meta", "value": [":all"]},
  • Request:
  "configs": [
      "group": ":pleroma",
      "key": "Pleroma.Upload",
      "value": [
        {"tuple": [":uploader", "Pleroma.Uploaders.Local"]},
        {"tuple": [":filters", ["Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe"]]},
        {"tuple": [":link_name", true]},
        {"tuple": [":proxy_remote", false]},
        {"tuple": [":proxy_opts", [
          {"tuple": [":redirect_on_failure", false]},
          {"tuple": [":max_body_length", 1048576]},
          {"tuple": [":http", [
            {"tuple": [":follow_redirect", true]},
            {"tuple": [":pool", ":upload"]},
        {"tuple": [":dispatch", {
          "tuple": ["/api/v1/streaming", "Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.WebsocketHandler", []]
  • Response:
    • On failure:
      • 400 Bad Request "To use this endpoint you need to enable configuration from database."
  "configs": [
      "group": ":pleroma",
      "key": "Pleroma.Upload",
      "value": [...]
  "need_reboot": true

GET /api/pleroma/admin/config/descriptions

Get JSON with config descriptions.

Loads json generated from config/descriptions.exs.

  • Params: none
  • Response:
    "group": ":pleroma", // string
    "key": "ModuleName", // string
    "type": "group", // string or list with possible values,
    "description": "Upload general settings", // string
    "children": [
        "key": ":uploader", // string or module name `Pleroma.Upload`
        "type": "module",
        "description": "Module which will be used for uploads",
        "suggestions": ["module1", "module2"]
        "key": ":filters",
        "type": ["list", "module"],
        "description": "List of filter modules for uploads",
        "suggestions": [
          "module1", "module2", "module3"

GET /api/pleroma/admin/moderation_log

Get moderation log

  • Params:
    • optional page: integer page number
    • optional page_size: integer number of log entries per page (default is 50)
    • optional start_date: datetime (ISO 8601) filter logs by creation date, start from start_date. Accepts datetime in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss), e.g. 2005-08-09T18:31:42
    • optional end_date: datetime (ISO 8601) filter logs by creation date, end by from end_date. Accepts datetime in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss), e.g. 2005-08-09T18:31:42
    • optional user_id: integer filter logs by actor's id
    • optional search: string search logs by the log message
  • Response:
    "data": {
      "actor": {
        "id": 1,
        "nickname": "lain"
      "action": "relay_follow"
    "time": 1502812026, // timestamp
    "message": "[2017-08-15 15:47:06] @nick0 followed relay: https://example.org/relay" // log message

POST /api/pleroma/admin/reload_emoji

Reload the instance's custom emoji

  • Authentication: required
  • Params: None
  • Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/confirm_email

Confirm users' emails

  • Params:
    • nicknames
  • Response: Array of user nicknames

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/resend_confirmation_email

Resend confirmation email

  • Params:
    • nicknames
  • Response: Array of user nicknames

GET /api/pleroma/admin/stats


  • Query Params:

    • optional instance: string instance hostname (without protocol) to get stats for
  • Example: https://mypleroma.org/api/pleroma/admin/stats?instance=lain.com

  • Response:

  "status_visibility": {
    "direct": 739,
    "private": 9,
    "public": 17,
    "unlisted": 14

GET /api/pleroma/admin/oauth_app

List OAuth app

  • Params:

    • optional name
    • optional client_id
    • optional page
    • optional page_size
    • optional trusted
  • Response:

  "apps": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "App name",
      "client_id": "yHoDSiWYp5mPV6AfsaVOWjdOyt5PhWRiafi6MRd1lSk",
      "client_secret": "nLmis486Vqrv2o65eM9mLQx_m_4gH-Q6PcDpGIMl6FY",
      "redirect_uri": "https://example.com/oauth-callback",
      "website": "https://example.com",
      "trusted": true
  "count": 17,
  "page_size": 50

POST /api/pleroma/admin/oauth_app

Create OAuth App

  • Params:

    • name
    • redirect_uris
    • scopes
    • optional website
    • optional trusted
  • Response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "App name",
  "client_id": "yHoDSiWYp5mPV6AfsaVOWjdOyt5PhWRiafi6MRd1lSk",
  "client_secret": "nLmis486Vqrv2o65eM9mLQx_m_4gH-Q6PcDpGIMl6FY",
  "redirect_uri": "https://example.com/oauth-callback",
  "website": "https://example.com",
  "trusted": true
  • On failure:
  "redirect_uris": "can't be blank",
  "name": "can't be blank"

PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/oauth_app/:id

Update OAuth App

  • Params:

    • optional name
    • optional redirect_uris
    • optional scopes
    • optional website
    • optional trusted
  • Response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "App name",
  "client_id": "yHoDSiWYp5mPV6AfsaVOWjdOyt5PhWRiafi6MRd1lSk",
  "client_secret": "nLmis486Vqrv2o65eM9mLQx_m_4gH-Q6PcDpGIMl6FY",
  "redirect_uri": "https://example.com/oauth-callback",
  "website": "https://example.com",
  "trusted": true

DELETE /api/pleroma/admin/oauth_app/:id

Delete OAuth App

  • Params: None

  • Response:

    • On success: 204, empty response
    • On failure:
      • 400 Bad Request "Invalid parameters" when status is missing

GET /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches

Get a list of all banned MediaProxy URLs in Cachex

  • Authentication: required

  • Params:

  • optional page: integer page number

  • optional page_size: integer number of log entries per page (default is 50)

  • Response:

  "urls": [

POST /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/delete

Remove a banned MediaProxy URL from Cachex

  • Authentication: required

  • Params:

    • urls (array)
  • Response:

  "urls": [

POST /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/purge

Purge a MediaProxy URL

  • Authentication: required

  • Params:

    • urls (array)
    • ban (boolean)
  • Response:

  "urls": [